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        ~Donnie's POV~

     Waking up with a migraine wasn't uncommon for me. Neither was waking up beside my human. What was uncommon, however, was waking up next to my human with a migraine and fuzzy memories of the previous night.

     How bothersome. They had seen me in such a weak state. I tossed away the pillow I was clutching to my chest and tried my best to move away from Y/n without alerting them I was awake.

     Yeah, that didn't work out. At the slightest movement, their eyes cracked open and they looked down at me. "Don," do not melt. Stay cold. They hate you, remember?

     No, they came in to apologize last night. "I don't wanna talk," I turned my head away.

     "Okay, we don't have to," they murmured, the hypnotic feeling of them petting my head lulling me into a sense of security. Don't fall for it, idiot. "I want to apologize again. I really didn't mean to hurt you."

     "Go away," I didn't dare look up at them. I didn't want to see them. I was scared I would break again. I couldn't get their angry gaze out of my head, I didn't want to risk seeing it again.

     "Okay," they shifted under me and I moved off of them to let them stand. Wait, no. No, I don't want you to go. I don't want to be left alone. I held my hand back from reaching out for them. Don't be weak.

     The room fell dark as the door closed and I was left alone. I let myself curl up again, the awful sinking feeling of loneliness digging through my skin. I held my hand over my mouth to keep myself from calling out to my. . . Y/n. For Y/n.

        ~Normal POV~

     I closed the door as quietly as I could and leaned against it, sliding down until my butt hit the floor. Oh, gods, he hates me. I fucked up so bad. I curled up as tightly as I could, hiding my face in my knees and covering my mouth to muffle my sobs.

     I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell until I couldn't anymore. It took everything to not beat myself up, literally. I wanted to punch myself or tear at my hair. I deserved to hurt.

     My throat ached and my eyes burned as I silently cried outside the door. I would be so embarrassed if Don opened the door and saw me like this. I hugged myself tighter seeking any form of comfort.

        ~No one's POV~

     The turtle didn't know what compelled him to, but he stood up and headed to the door. His hand rested on the doorknob before he heard a choked-down sob. He didn't want to open the door and face the broken human on the other side.

     He spun around, resting his back against the door, and slid down it. He couldn't see his human, but he knew they were in the same position outside the door.

     He pulled his legs to his chest, wrapping his arms to hug them tight to his plastron. He bit his lip to keep himself from speaking to the human. Oh, how badly he wanted to call them his human, but he couldn't.

     He hurt them because they accidentally hurt them. He didn't know what upset them so badly, and he knew he shouldn't have pushed when they asked him to go away the first time.

     Don couldn't stand hearing his name break through the sob. He held his hand to his mouth, biting his lip so hard it drew blood. He was struggling to hold down his own cries.

     When had he grown so attached to this human? He hated this feeling of helplessness, but he didn't want to take accountability for this. He squeezed his eyes shut as another sob broke out from the other side of the door.

     Don tried to convince himself it wasn't his fault. He tried to convince himself that his human really hated him. He tried to convince himself that he hated them. . . but he couldn't.

     He stood and turned around, hand grasping the doorknob once more as he forced himself to pull the door open. A gasp escaped his human as they fell back onto the floor in front of him.

     "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," they muttered over and over in a raspy voice, trying to wipe away the tears that refused to stop coming. Don hated the sight, he hated that he had caused that.

     He crouched in front of his human, taking their face in his hands as he helped wipe away the tears. Their eyes were so bloodshot, he couldn't stand it. He had done that.

     This was the second time Don had truly felt awful for something in a while. Why was this human so capable to make him feel something again? In this past week, he had felt sorry, he had felt regret, he felt like he was allowed to love and be loved.

     "I'm sorry," his voice cracked at the phrase, pulling his human closer to him and trapping them in a hug. He didn't do hugs, but for a moment, Don felt like he would do anything for this human.

     Word Count: 874. I promise I don't like to hurt you guys. . . Enjoy! Also, some amazing artwork from kattystripes14:

 Enjoy! Also, some amazing artwork from kattystripes14:

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