Danger Starts With "D"

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     It had been a bit since I began writing back and forth with Mikey and I was slowly learning to trust my brother again. Then he suggested we meet up again. He wasn't too pushy on the subject, it even seemed semi-reluctant to even be in the letter in the first place.

     Y/n wasn't home, they were at work. My human had finally gotten a break from their classes but got pulled into working more hours. So, now I was pacing in my room debating if I was going to meet up with my little brother.

     I couldn't help but weigh the pros and cons of this situation, and the cons were close to winning. It could be a trap. What if I left and wasn't home by the time my human got home? But, he was my brother, what would he do?

     Maybe just this one time it would be all right.  Should I leave a note? I didn't know how long I would be with him and I didn't want my human to worry. I tore a page from my notebook, scribbling a note just in case.

     I exited out the fire escape, closing the window most of the way behind me. It wasn't too late in the day, so I had to keep to the shadows as I made my way to the spot Mikey had suggested in his note.

     Something seemed off. . . my little brother wasn't here, and there was no sign that he had been here, either. Before I could reach back for my Tech-Bo, I felt something hit the back of my head and I fell to the ground.

     He set me up? That didn't seem like something Mikey would do. This seemed like a Raph plan. My eyes were squinted and my sight was bleary as I looked up at the figures surrounding me. I could make out Raph's shadow, and the hilt of Leo's sword.

     Where was Mikey? Would he make them stop? Was this their plan all along? Trick me into some false sense of security so they could get back at me? What about Y/n? Was someone going after them as well? I needed to get to them.

     "I'm sorry, Don," I made out Mikey's muffled and sorrowful voice. "They made me, but I promise, they just wanna talk."

        ~Normal POV~

     "I'll see you tomorrow, Yuichi," I waved to the boy who gave me a bunny smile and waved back. I swear, that kid never stops working. I stepped into the alley that led to our apartment, not enjoying the feeling of being watched.

     I spun around on my heel, eyes rapidly searching the alleyway, but there was nothing. I jumped at the sound of metal clanging and crashing onto the ground before my eye I caught a stray cat scrambling away.

     Wow, really? I rolled my eyes at the small sense of fear I had felt in that moment. I quickly left the alley and walked up the stairs to my apartment, announcing my presence, but got no call in return.

     "Don?" I peeked my head into his room, noticing the window slightly cracked open as well as moonlight reflecting down on a piece of paper on his desk. It was a page saying he was going out to meet with Mikey and he shouldn't be long.

     How long ago was this written? Maybe I could wait a bit to see if he would be home soon. I left his room, anxiety bubbling up in my chest. I didn't like not knowing if he was all right. I'll cook a bit and maybe he'll be back by the time I'm finished.

     After washing my rice thoroughly, I threw it in the rice cooker and pulled out some chicken to prepare to go with it. I put it in the microwave to thaw it and decided to try and text Don to see if he was okay.

     A few moments passed and I grew more anxious when I didn't receive a response. I began pacing, ignoring the beeping from the microwave that warned me it switched from defrosting to heating up.

     Next, I tried calling him. The phone rang and rang before going to voicemail. Now I know that wasn't something Don would do, he knew how I could get sometimes. So I tried again and again and again. Whoever had it must've gotten annoyed, because, with my next try, I got a response.

     "Hello?" a nervous voice spoke up. I knew that wasn't Don, maybe some kid found his phone on the street?

     "Hi, who's this?" I asked and the voice on the other end seemed reluctant to answer.

     "It's Mikey. . . Don's brother," he admitted. I winced at the sound of arguing on the other line. "I have a good explanation, I hope. See, me and Don have been exchanging letters for a few weeks and I wanted to meet up, but then Raph and Leo found out, and so they chose the spot and they wanted. . . um, well, they thought that Don had had enough time."

     "What?" my voice shook. "What are you doing to him?"

     "We aren't hurting him," Mikey quickly spoke up. "Raph just thought it was about time that Don got this whole 'rebellious thing' out of his system. He's okay, I promise."

     "I need to talk to him," my tone was flat and I was trying to hold myself together.

     "I don't think that's a good idea," Mikey said with an uneasy tone. "Don's not in the best of moods."

     "Mikey, let me talk to him," I told him once more. "I need to talk to him," there were shuffling and quiet voices talking to one another to try and keep me from hearing.

     "Y/n," Don spoke urgently. "Are you okay?" was he really asking that? I wasn't the one not at home.

     "I'm all right, for now," I took a deep breath. "What about you? Are you okay? Where are you?"

     "Listen to me carefully. There's an alley about ten minutes from home. My Tech-Bo is there. It has a tracking setting, you should be able to find me with it, or my brothers at least," he was speaking in a whisper so no one would hear. "Can you do that for me?"

     "Yeah, I think so," I nodded, already stopping the microwave and rice cooker. It was a waste of food, I know, but Don was more important. I needed him, and at the moment, he needed me. I was hopping on one foot as I tugged my shoe back on.

     "I'll be there as soon as I can," I told him, nearly slamming the door as I rushed out. I made a ten-minute walk into a three-minute sprint. I was out of breath and my eyes pricked with tears in the cool air. My lungs were burning as I looked around for the weapon my mutant told me should be here.

     What if someone took it? What if it was gone and I had no chance to find Don? My racing thoughts didn't help my rapidly beating heart or uneven breaths. A piece of metal glinted in the moonlight and it caught my eye. I rushed to where I saw it and picked it up.

     The weapon extended in my grasp and I nearly dropped it again. There was only a single button on the Tech-Bo, but it seemed to have so many functions. Was it really all controlled by one button? How would I get it to be the tracker Don told me about?

     "C'mon, work with me, Tech-Bo," I muttered, pressing the button and hoping for the best. A blade shot out the top and I winced at the sight. It reminded me of a Naginata and a shudder ran down my back, but I wasn't sure why.

     "Please," I pressed the button again and the blade retracted, instead transforming into a mallet shaped like a fist. "No," I let out a frustrated groan, trying not to throw the Tech-Bo and possibly damage it.

     "I need to find Don, please," my voice was desperate as I pressed the button once more. A pink screen lit up my face accompanied by a faint beeping. I couldn't tell how far I was from my target, but there were multiple colored dots on the edge of the screen.

     "Yes!" I cheered for myself for managing to get to the tracker. Don always made it seem so easy when he used it. "Okay, Don, I'm on my way," I began my trek, determined to save my boyfriend from. . .well, his brothers.

     Word Count: 1,447. I hope this turned out okay?  It's kinda earlier than usual for me to have a chapter out, but I feel bad for not uploading the past few days. Well, enjoy!

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