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        ~Donnie's POV~

     The house was too quiet. Y/n would be home from this time, yet they hadn't greeted me like they always did. Surely this had to upset them, they stuck to a schedule most of the time, so this wasn't good. Had they shut down again? I should check on them.

     I exited my room, checking the living room first to see if they had made themself food or if they had fallen asleep watching TV. Nope, neither of those. I made my way to the door of their room knocking gently. No response.

     "Y/n?" my voice was soft, not wanting to upset them if it was a bad time. I opened the door, seeing a lump under the covers that rose up and down rhythmically. They were home safe, sure, but it seemed off.

     "Y/n," I moved closer, placing my hand onto the lump of sheets carefully.

     "Go away," their voice croaked out. I had just woken them up, maybe that made them upset? "I don't want to talk to you."

     "Did something happen at school?" I pressed. I heard what they said, but I was concerned. They didn't say anything back. I stood there awkwardly, something just felt wrong. Maybe I shouldn't have been so absorbed in my project today.

     Y/n's head slowly peeked out of the covers to make sure I was gone, frowning when they saw me standing in front of them. They turned over to face the opposite direction which confused me even more. Did I do something wrong?

     "Please talk to me," my voice came out more desperate than I meant for it to.

     "You lied to me," they spat out and I tensed.

     "What?" I whispered and they turned to face me with a glare.

     "You lied to me! You said I wasn't a failure, you said I was smart. You lied!" they shot up in the bed, whipping around to face me. I could see tears pricking their eyes as they shouted at me. "You lied and I hate you!"

     Time froze as we stared at each other with wide eyes. I felt myself shrink back into the purple hoodie I had yet to take off. They didn't mean that, right? Right? Neither of us spoke a word.

     "Go away," they flopped back over, pulling the cover over their head. Y/n's voice had broke in the middle of their words. My throat felt sore as a bubble formed in it. 

     I nearly tripped as I backed out of the room, tears welling up in my eyes and making my vision bleary. Don't cry. Villains don't have time to cry. Why the fuck did I care if they hated me? Weren't they supposed to?

     My stomach was churning as the words repeated over and over in my head. Y/n hates me. Hate. Hate. Hate! Fuck. I grabbed the pillow off my bed and screamed into it, though it did little to muffle the agonized shout.

     When was the last time I cried? I couldn't remember, but apparently, it would be this time engraved into my mind. I pulled the pillow tightly against me, hiding my face as warm tears soaked into the fabric.

     Had I just lost another home? Should I pack again and leave without a goodbye? I didn't want to go. I actually felt like I belonged again, and I fucked it up. My stomach churned and I felt like I might throw up.

     I don't wanna go. Please let me stay. I'll do anything. Just don't make me go. I don't know what I did, but I'll do better next time, I promise. Something in me had broken, and I felt like that little turtle who accidentally broke something and was getting scolded for it.

     "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I could hear my pathetic voice escaping me, apologizing to the air while my body rocked lightly. I don't wanna go. Don't make me go.

        ~Normal POV~

     Fuck, fuck, fuck! I didn't mean to say that. I didn't hate him, no, I hated myself. It was my own fault that I failed the test and I took it out on Don. Sniffles escaped me as I stood up, stumbling over myself as I made my way to the turtle's room.

     I froze in place as muffled sobs came from his room. In the time I had known him, Don has never cried. I fucked up. I knocked on the door to his room, not wanting to just barge in.

     "Go away," the mutant echoed my words from earlier.

     "No, I'm coming in," I announced as I entered the room anyway. The turtle was turned away from me, but I could still see how his body lurched with sobs and hiccups.

     "Don," I said quietly. I felt so awful. "I didn't mean it. I don't hate you, I shouldn't have said that," I sat on the edge of the bed, giving the mutant enough space from me. "I was upset I flunked my test and Mr. Ward held me after class because of it."

     Don stayed silent, but he was listening, I knew he was. "I meant it this morning, when I told you I liked you. I couldn't lie about something like that. It was a confusing feeling at first, but I learned to accept it. I really do like you, Donatello. I'm so sorry."

     "You aren't going to kick me out?" he asked through hiccups and choked-down sobs.

     "C'mere," I patted my leg gently to motion him to lay down on it. "Why would I ever kick you out?"

     "Didn't I do something wrong? You're mad at me for overreacting," his voice was muffled by the pillow he rolled over with. I scratched his head gently to try and soothe him.

     "You didn't do anything wrong, Don. I shouldn't have snapped at you," I glanced down at the turtle. "I would never be able to kick you out. I like having you around. You help me feel less lonely."

     "I didn't want to go," he whispered to me.

     "You won't have to," I kept my voice gentle. "This is home, isn't it? You shouldn't have to leave home."

     "Don't make me go," I continued to pet his head as he kept whispering to himself. I would stay here as long as he needed me to. His sobs had eventually faded out, shaky breaths continued to leave him as he fell asleep.

     No amount of apologizing would ever make things perfect again. I would be stuck with this guilt of making the turtle cry with one stupid phrase. I would never let those words leave me again, not directed at the poor turtle at least.

     I hate myself, nothing was going to change that.

     Word Count: 1,125. Bruh, I almost made myself cry. . . Enjoy!


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