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      ~Normal POV~

     The day went by pretty quickly, but I could feel the anxiety slowly creeping into me as I followed the mutants to their old home, or Mikey's at least, Don didn't live here.

     "Remember, quick in and out," Don reminded his baby brother. "No matter how tempting it is to give a proper goodbye, we can't risk anything. Got it?" Mikey nodded to confirm he understood.

     Mikey led the way into the subway, holding the crate that he had sent Don his tech stuff in. I felt bad that not everything would fit into the crate, but I hoped it would be enough for the younger boy.

     "Y/n, you ready?" Don stopped outside a door while Mikey walked in. I nodded, pressing the button, and the blade shot out the end of the Tech-Bo. It was pretty quiet for a bit, no one even bothering to walk down the hall we were in.

     Don's time limit of ten minutes was coming to an end sooner than I thought, my mutant peeking down at his gauntlet to check how much time we had left.

     My eyes scanned the wall once more, leaning my head back a bit in boredom. It's not that I was looking for a fight, I was just hoping for something to--

     "Don," I whispered for my mutant and his eyes looked at me. I nodded my head in the direction I had seen something. I think it was time to go. Don pointed back to tell me to get Mikey and get ready to leave.

     "Mikey," I called to the turtle quietly, noticing him in the middle of taking off the sash he always wore, ready to leave it behind as a symbol he was no longer a part of the whole superhero act. Don didn't wear his sash either, and I doubt he had for a while.

     "Time t' go home. You have everything you want?" I asked the boy, his eyes shifting to look at the crate that was filled almost to the top.

     "Yeah," he smiled sadly. "Yeah, let's get home," the turtle grabbed the crate and we began to leave the room. Don was holding his Bo Staff defensively, the markings on his body beginning to glow.

     "That's enough! Hand over my brother, or else!" Raph shouted at the shorter turtle, clutching his own weapons tightly.

     "Now isn't this interesting!" Don spun around his Bo Staff, slamming it onto the ground and purple mist and lightning surrounded us. My mutant wasn't gonna go down without a fight.

     "Okay, Mikey, you get outta here while me and Don deal with your brothers," I urged the younger brother to leave, but he didn't budge.

     "No, Don wouldn't want you to risk getting hurt. You take the supplies and get home, we can hold them off. Trust me," Mikey tried to hand the crate over to me. In the past few weeks he had been staying with us, Mikey hadn't done anything to break our trust.

     "Okay," I nodded, taking the heavy crate from the younger mutant. "Be safe. Don, give me some cover!" my mutant nodded, creating a distraction to give me time to escape.

     I tried to ignore the fighting behind me, but I was nervous. I knew Don could handle himself, and if he couldn't get out unscathed, I would be home to treat his injuries. He seemed to enjoy when I patched him up, and I swore he would be clumsy on purpose sometimes.

     I entered an alleyway that I knew was a shortcut, but noticed how. . . dead it sounded compared to everything else. I felt like I was Spiderman with how quickly I dropped the crate of art supplies and brought up the Tech-Bo to block a bat that swung at me.

     It was April. It was always fucking April. When was she going to give this up? Why was she so damn stubborn? With the press of a button, the blade slid out. This time, I would not hesitate. She was just getting on my nerves.

     "You can't be serious," she scoffed at the sight of the blade. I was not in the mood for her whole "hero/villain banter" bit. "What, you're just gonna give me the silent treatment?" damn straight I was.

     "Come on, Y/n. Weren't we friends?" not anymore. My eyes narrowed on her, adjusting my grip on the Tech-Bo. She let out a nervous laugh, taking a step back as she registered my serious gaze.

     "Y/n, can't you see he's been a bad influence on you?" that wasn't completely true, he let me know who April really was. I took a swing at her, the dark-skinned girl barely dodging it in time. The sharp blade cut through her jacket, but just missed her skin.

     "Okay, enough joking around," she tried to glare at me but knew her bat was nothing compared to the long-ranged weapon I held. "Y/n, I'm serious," I wasn't in the mood for a friendly chat. I swiped the weapon from a different angle, the blade slashing her side and blood rushed out of the gash.

     "Stop! Are you crazy?" nope, just in a really bad mood. I was sick of this girl thinking everything was about her. All she knew how to do was lie and bend people to her will.

     "I'm sorry!" she shouted out, tossing her weapon to the side. Foolish move on her part, really. Don't you know you should always finish your fights? "I was selfish, I made mistakes, but why can't you see that you're making one too?"

     Did she think such a small apology and trying to make me "do the right thing" was going to stop this? I think it was time I sealed her fate. I knew how to finish my fights, so this was the end.

     "Goodbye, April," I smiled down at the pathetic girl who was already crumpled in on herself, holding the gash in her side. "I would say 'see you on the other side,' but my story isn't finished yet," I plunged the weapon into her chest, not quite enjoying the squelching sound that came with the action.

     Sadly, I didn't have anything to wipe the dirtied weapon down with, so I would have to figure out a solution when I got home. I let the blade retract and the Tech-Bo shrunk down so I could stuff it into my pocket. I wiped my hands on my pants before picking up the crate and exiting the alley on the other end, seeing my apartment building in the distance.

     What would Don say if he knew I just killed someone? How would Mikey react if he found out? I couldn't ruin how he viewed me, I wanted him to feel safe here.

     I set the crate in Mikey's room. Well, my old room, it was Mikey's now, I could settle with sharing a room with Don. I felt pretty comfortable around him, my nightmares had even gone away. I was certain I had created a new one. Killing April would haunt me; it wasn't as good of a feeling as I thought it would have been.

     I headed into the bathroom, opened the Tech-Bo, and let the blade pop out, trying to clean it as thoroughly as I could, hoping there was no blood inside the weapon. When it was clean enough, I sat myself on the couch, putting on some random cartoon and curling in on myself, hoping my family would come home soon.

     My thoughts were racing and I wouldn't be able to keep myself together for much longer. I could hear the croak echoing in my mind, that noise of death. I held my hands over my ears in an attempt to block the noise out even though it was in my head.

     Did I fuck up? Should I have done that? Was I the villain? Gods, please, if he finds out, would it ruin our happily ever after?

     Word Count: 1,334. You bloodthirsty readers happy? April has been murdered, but not by Don like you all thought it would probably be. No, literally, by you. Anyway, enjoy!

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