Hamato Ninpo

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     "Guys!" an irritating voice shouted out and my eyes glanced to the door to see a dark-skinned girl sprint in. "Good news and bad news. Y/n is here, but--"

     "Y/n is here?" Raph looked at her as well. He didn't need to hear the bad news, he was already rushing out the door to find my human. I needed to get out of here, but every time I move, this stupid thing gets tighter.

     I looked between April and Leo who still hadn't moved for a moment before they ran after Raph. What were they gonna do when they found my human? Certainly nothing good.

     "Come on," I struggled against the rope of the kusari-fundo, brows stitched together as it began digging into my skin uncomfortably. I heard a shout followed by arguing down the hall. It was Y/n, I had no doubt. Why wasn't Shelldon here and helping them?

     "Please," I grumbled, shifting in the chair. "They need me," the rope was burning as it scratched against my skin.

     "Don!" gods, let me get out of this. I couldn't let them hurt Y/n. I need them. I heard the clanging of my Tech-Bo clattering to the ground and my sense of urgency boosted tenfold.

     "Raph, stop!" Mikey was yelling at the snapping turtle. Why was he attacking them? Y/n never did anything to deserve to get hurt. I struggled harder against the rope, ignoring the strong discomfort it caused me. I had rope burn, no doubt, but when we got out of this, my human would take care of me again.

     "Stay away!" Y/n shouted again. Their fear was overwhelming in their tone. Suddenly the ropes snapped and I tumbled out of the chair. . . What the hell was that? I looked at my hands before noticing the glowing purple marks on my thighs.

     "What?" I muttered out, amazement distracting me for just a moment. My eyes snapped back to the door and I nearly tripped on myself as I ran out of it. "Y/n!" my human immediately looked at me, relief flashing in their eyes before a holographic hand slammed down between us.

     My Tech-Bo. Where was my Tech-Bo? My eyes darted around in search of the weapon. I spotted the titanium pole a few meters away and sprinted for it, Leo stopping me right before I could reach it.

     "Where-- How did-- You're glowing," he stammered over his words. I took his moment of confusion to push him out of the way and grab my Tech-Bo. Where was Shelldon when you needed him? My eyes hardened as I searched the area for the drone.

     "D," I looked over to where Mikey was, seeing the drone by his feet powered down. How did that happen? A nervous-looking April was crouched beside Mikey wearing an anxious smile. My eyes narrowed on her and I could have sworn I saw her struggle to swallow.

     "Mikey, I need you to keep them occupied while I boot Shelldon back up. Can you do that?" better question was could I trust him to do that? After a moment, he nodded and leaped after Raph and my human.

     Legs popped out of my spider shell, providing tools necessary to fix up any damage to Shelldon's exterior and his circuiting. My eyes kept shifting between the drone of a son as well as where my human has disappeared to.

     There was beeping and a low humming as Shell booted back up, his eyes slowly blinking as he registered his location and who he was with before they narrowed on April. Of course, it was her that did this, she was vicious when she fought.

     "Shall I charge the ray, Donatello?" Shelldon asked, not taking his gaze off the human before us.

     "She isn't worth our time. Shelldon, your target is Raphael. He has Y/n," my fingers tightened around my weapon, the legs still sprouting out of my spider shell as a way to make me seem more threatening as well as give me mobility.

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