Nightmares Are Universal

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        ~Leo's POV~

     "Hey, Raph?" I saw my brother sitting by himself, looking lost in thought. I placed a hand on his shoulder to let him know I was actually there. He stayed silent, tugging his tail tighter against his plastron.

     "Yeah, I miss him, too," Mikey had been gone for over a month, leaving just me and Raph. Dad was here as well, but we didn't really talk with him. I sat down beside Raph, leaning against him while I pulled my legs close to me.

     "Raph?" still no response from him. "I don't think I was a very good brother," a dry laugh escaped me. "I was the reason Donnie ran away, and then Mikey joined him, and now. . . you aren't even talking to me. I miss them so much.

     I was certain Raph was listening, so I let myself spill my emotions. "Maybe I should have teased Donnie less. Maybe I should have fought harder to get him to stay. I should have just been better."

     "It's not your fault, Leo," Raph finally spoke up and I glanced up at him, seeing his brows furrow. "It's mine. I was the leader. I was the one that couldn't keep his anger under control. I hurt us."

     We were both silent for a few moments before I sucked in a breath. "Hey, Raph?" he hummed for me to continue. "I miss April," I tried to ignore the tears welling up in my eyes.

     "Yeah," Raph bit his lip and turned away from me, trying to keep his own emotions under control. "I miss her, too."

     This was the first time either of us had spoken her name since I found her bleeding out in that alley. I had to remind myself that there was nothing I could have done for her; that it wasn't my fault she died. It was Donnie's.

     "Can. . . can I sleep in your room tonight?" I asked my older brother, my voice quieter than before. "I don't want to deal with my nightmares alone again."

     "Yeah," Raph let go of his tail and glanced back at me. "Leo? Can I give you a hug?" I gave him a short nod and was instantly pulled into a shell-crushing hug.

     "I miss them," a choked sob rang out as Raph spoke. "Donnie and Mikey and April. I miss them all so much. Leo, I'm not fit to be a leader. I was always so scared I would mess up, and it's clear I did. I mean, look at us!"

     Sure, it was just the two of us now, but we would be okay, right?

     "It's okay, Raph," I tried to gently pat his shoulder while tears ran down his cheeks. "You never failed at being our big brother. You always did your best to protect us, to be there for us. Even if they aren't here, I know our brothers still care. You practically raised us when Dad couldn't."

     "I'm glad I still have you, Leo," Raph pulled back, wiping his tears away, even if they still spilled from his eyes. "I wouldn't be able to keep it together on my own. I don't say it enough, but I love you, brother."

     "Yeah," I sniffled as I wiped at my own eyes. "I love you, too, big bro."

        ~Donnie's POV~

     It was the middle of the night and I was sitting at my desk working on a new project for Y/n. It was sort of like my spider shell but in the disguise of a back brace or belt.

     I could hear my human shuffling around in their sleep, which was normal. They always moved around in their sleep, what wasn't normal was the uncomfortable whimpers and sniffles.

     "Y/n?" I spun on the chair to stand up. Of course, they didn't respond, they were asleep.

     "Please," I heard a desperate plea escape them. "I'm sorry," they covered their face with their hands. "April, please," oh, they were having a nightmare about her.

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