Embarrassment All the Way Down

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        ~Normal POV~

     After I ate, I sat on the couch with Don, Shelldon taking comfort in resting on me like a dog. It was adorable giving him scritches after Don showed me the different areas that were best. For a moment, I could swear I saw a pout on the mutant's face.

     "Is there anything you need me to do?" my question caught Don's attention. "About your brothers. . . or just at the school in general?"

     "Be cautious around them, don't get too close. I want you to bring Shelldon with you until I can make something new to accompany and protect you when I can't," he informed me. "I'm going to spend tonight upgrading Shelldon if you'd like to spend the night in my room."

     "Won't I distract you?" my brows furrowed. "I don't want to get in the way of your work."

     "No worries," he brushed it off. "I used to work with Mikey in the room all the time. You aren't half as hyper as he could be at times. I would just feel comfortable if you stayed close until I can have something ready to protect you. However, I won't force you if you're uncomfortable with it."

     "Okay," I nodded. I wouldn't mind spending the night in his room. His company always made me feel safe, so I was certain I would have no problem with it. "Um, let me clean up. . . our plates and myself, I mean. I'll try not to use all the hot water in case you want a bath."

     I patted Shelldon and he raised to let me stand up. I washed the dishes we used before leaving to shower. I couldn't help but look over the fading hickeys, the imprint of Don's teeth long gone by now, and a strange part of me missed it.

     Of course, I would rather die than embarrass myself asking for more. My hand brushed over the area, resting for a minute on my neck as memories of our first night flooded my mind.

     I had never seen death, had never been so close to it until that night. I was so scared that he wasn't going to let go, that he was going to kill me then and there. But he didn't. He didn't kill me and now I liked him. We liked each other.

     I couldn't deny the small fear I still held. I caught glimpses of the death glares he would give people who got too close. The way his arms tightened around me when Leo was right in front of us. It reminded me of a snake who found his meal of a mouse, or a spider who trapped a fly.

     I shook away my thoughts, letting the hot water run down my spine. A new thought took over the place of my fears: the kiss. It was small, it was sweet, and I wanted more. Yet another thing I felt too embarrassed to ask for.

        ~Donnie's POV~

     I put Shelldon into his sleep mode and brought him into my room. It would be hard to make major adjustments with the equipment I had on me. He already had a form of offense, a ray. I don't need to disclose why he had one, I have my reasons.

     My biggest problem was having to program him to not like my brothers. It wouldn't be the first time I programmed him for that, but it would be giving up the last bit of my brothers' personalities. . . Ha! Like I cared about that.

     Reprogramming Shelldon was going to be a piece of cake. We could be like a family, almost. I didn't like the thought of a family anymore. Whatever this was between us was okay.

     I figured I could work while I waited for Y/n to come back. I tried to keep thoughts of them from distracting me, but I couldn't help but think of the fear in Leo's eyes when he saw me with them.

     Sadly, I knew my presence alone wouldn't be enough to ward him off. Leo was stubborn, and where others thought that that was a good trait for a hero, it was annoying for me.

     Though, I suppose he might think the same toward me. I could be stubborn as well, especially over something I really wanted. My human happened to be one of those things. I wouldn't give them up so easily.

     Sure, I no longer craved to see them in their most broken state. I had seen them close to it and regretted every moment of it. No, now I craved their affection, their approval. I just craved them.

     I loved the closeness, the way they understood my boundaries, and I understood theirs. They knew how to comfort me, and I knew how to comfort them just as well. Could predators really come to love their prey?

     I shook my head. I meant to start working to ignore them, clearly, that didn't work. Something about that intriguing human made them occupy my mind, even if I tried to push the thoughts away, and I wondered if for them it was the same.

     Word Count: 861. Waiting for the caffeine to kick in more cause I still feel sleepy. We also haven't hit ungodly hours in est, so I'm not even at my peak yet. Anyway, enjoy!


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