Hot and Unbothered

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        ~Normal POV~

     It was still dark when I woke up again. I was in Donnie's room, I could see the turtle facing away from me in the bed. The weighted blanket was tugged tightly around him making me wonder if I just had a crazy dream.

     The desperation, his pleading voice, it really seemed like something only my mind could make up. But it couldn't have been, I remember his hand guiding mine to touch his soft shell when it was slightly unprotected.

     I remembered the way he was whining into the pillow, his shaking breaths, the way he shuddered under my touch. That wasn't a dream, that happened. Donnie let that happen. Why?

     Maybe I should just try and forget that it happened, I doubted it would happen again. But I couldn't just forget. Just how sensitive was his soft shell? I barely touched it and he seemed embarrassed to ask for more. I flipped over to my side, not planning on touching the shell without the turtle's say-so.

     It would be better to move to the living room, maybe watch a movie to get my mind to stop racing. After all, I had no idea how Donnie would react if I was still in the same bed with him in the morning.

     My feet connected with the cold ground, I could feel it even through my socks. A chill ran up my body and I ignored it as I quietly left the room, finding it much cozier to sprawl out on the couch. I flicked on the TV and went threw different channels until I found an all-day cartoon channel.

     My tired eyes couldn't make out much of the show, just that it was older animation and there was a really hot girl in a purple cloak. Huh, maybe I just had a thing for the color purple.

     It was too late, or early, to be trying to sort through my thoughts. They all went back to the mutant sleeping in the other room anyway. It seemed strange for a simple flu to affect him so drastically. Was this him normally? I guess I wouldn't really know.

     I certainly would not be telling April about what happened. It was bad enough that she almost walked in on the more tame version of what happened in the bedroom. 

     No matter what I did, I couldn't get my brain off of his soft whimpers. Something about those pleading noises did something to me, something I didn't know if I wanted to explore further.

     It made me think for a moment. Why was Donnie really so eager for me to praise him? Oh, dear. Yep, no, shit, that makes sense. Did he have a praise kink? No shame if he did, you develop a kink for something you didn't get enough of in your childhood or something like that, right? I think that's what it was at least.

     So where did men begging come from? What? Who said that? Anyway, I should just forget this whole affair. Maybe I'll wake up and this actually was just some weird crazy dream to make me realize I was possibly attracted to a mutant turtle. Or, maybe I'm just too scared to admit that I'm attracted to the crazy guy I offered a place to stay and then he choked me.

     Was I attracted to that? Did I like that? My eyes squinted as I tried to sort through my thoughts. Okay, yeah, maybe I was, and what does that say about me?

     You know, I think this is all pretty normal. Yeah, okay, I was all right with this. I lay on my back staring at the ceiling as reality set in.

     I was attracted to Donatello, the supposedly dangerous mutant that liked to conduct experiments on whatever he could get his hands on. What if I was one of them? I think I would be all right with that, too. I don't expect a happily ever after. This was real life, the only things that really existed were tragedy ever afters.

     That was okay. What was the worst that could happen, honestly? I could keep a secret. I did well enough hiding the bruises on my neck from everyone, how hard could a little crush be to hide?

     Wait, is this technically Stockholm Syndrome? Would that give us a happily ever after? I mean, Beauty fell in love with the Beast and they got one. What makes us so different? I guess the fact that we aren't Beauty and the Beast, we're Y/n and the mutant.

     Was April right about me spending too much time with Donnie? No, he's only been here a few days, I think. Yeah. Yeah, only a few, and yet I was crushing. I guess it was my lack of social interaction. Does that make sense? I think it does.

     I can admit I liked Donnie's company, even if this whole thing is just a front. If he was just playing me, that was okay. That's what I wanted to believe at least, that I was okay with all this. Maybe if I tell myself that enough, I'll really believe it.

     Gods, I need to sleep before my thoughts completely consume me. If Donnie doesn't bring it up in the morning, neither will I. And if he does, well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

     Word Count: 900. Another short one, but this is like the 9th one today, so I'mma head out and get some sleep. The title is completely unrelated to the contents of the chapter and might change, but I also might get too lazy to. Enjoy!

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