Do You Trust Me?

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        ~Normal POV~

     I reached a doorway that led down into an abandoned subway and felt myself tense. Was I really ready for this? What if I needed to fight? I didn't know how to fight.

     I knew I didn't stand a chance against Raph, he was almost twice my size. I quietly stepped past the barrier and down the stairs. I tried to keep my breathing even and an ear out for any sign of life.

     I was so close to where they were and I could feel myself beginning to panic. What if I couldn't save him? Now was not the time to be overthinking, and I was struggling to keep my calm.

     The pink screen lit up the walls faintly, helping me make my way into the lair. When I was close enough, I clicked the button and the weapon reverted back into a Bo Staff.

     I could hear faint arguing a few rooms away before someone came storming out. I think it was Mikey, I could see the orange bandana before I ducked behind a wall.

     I could trust him, right? He and Don had been exchanging letters for a bit, so it would be okay. . . Hopefully. As carefully as I could, I followed in the direction Mikey had gone in, hoping for a chance to talk to him.

     I watched him turn a corner, but when I did, he was no longer there. Where did he-- I was tackled to the ground, the Tech-Bo skittering across the ground loudly making me cringe.

     "That's Don's. . . Y/n?" the turtle backed off and helped me up. "What are you doing here? It isn't safe," his browbones furrowed as he peeked around the corner.

     "I came to get Don back," I told him flatly. I just wanted to go home. "Are you going to help me, or do I need to fight you?" I reached down to pick up the Tech-Bo once more.

     "I want to help," Mikey assured me. "It's my brothers that may be a problem. I know how much you and Don mean to each other, but my brothers are more 'fight first, questions later' kinda guys."

     "Is that why you let them capture Don?" my head tilted a bit as my fingers tightened on the weapon. "Why didn't you stop them?"

     "It's not that simple," he argued quietly. "I'll help you get him home, I promise. Do you trust me?" I tensed at the question. Did I trust him? Did I want to trust him?

     "Just this once, I'll trust you," I nodded firmly, eyes examining the box turtle.

     "You need to pretend I captured you," he started slowly. "I'll act like I found you sneaking into the lair, and we'll figure something out from there."

     "How do I know this isn't some trap?" I pointed the weapon at him. "You 'pretend' to give me up, or you actually give me up? I'm not playing around," there was another crash that sounded much heavier.

     "I popped the weasel!" April placed a foot on the drone that looked a little beaten up, his eyes were blacked out, not the normal red they always were.

     "What did you do to him?!" I shouted out, white-knuckling the Tech-Bo. "You killed him! What is wrong with you?" I pressed the button, hearing the shing of the blade shooting out of the weapon.

     "Y/n, wait!" Mikey's hand barely missed my shoulder as I charged at the dark-skinned girl. I swung at the girl who almost didn't dodge in time. "He's not--"

     "You always ruin everything for me!" the blade sliced through the air. "You didn't let me make any other friends!" another swing. "You made me an outcast!" another miss. "You lied! You always lied to make yourself feel better!"

     "That's not true! I lied to protect you--" she realized what she fessed up to. "All I've ever wanted to do was protect you! I wanted you to live a normal life!" she swiped my feet out from under me.

     "No, you wanted life for yourself to be normal! Nothing about me was ever normal," I glared up at her.

     "April, Y/n, you guys need to stop this," Mikey spoke up. "April, Don and Y/n have been living fine on their own. You need to give up your grudge against him. Even if you don't forgive him for what he did to us, I do. Isn't that what matters? And Y/n, Shelly isn't dead, he got shut down."

     "How do I fix him?" my eyes shot to the box turtle who was standing beside the drone. Shell was my priority now, not the girl who was still watching my every move.

     "Only Don knows how to fix him. We need to get Shelldon to him. April, you need to call Raph and Leo off, now," Mikey glared at the human behind us. My gaze shifted to her, and I could see her fighting with herself again.

     I pulled the drone onto my chest, gently scratching the different areas that Don had told me about. I hated how he didn't move, or make a noise of enjoyment like he usually did.

     "C'mon, Shell, wake up," I cooed quietly. "I need you. C'mon, you gotta get up."

     "April," Mikey's voice was a bit louder this time, and the dark-skinned girl tensed. "Look at them. Is this really everything you could have hoped for when you told them me and Don were sending letters?"

     "I just wanted my friend back," she said back. "Is that really so much to ask for?"

     "We wanted our brother back, but this isn't the way to do it," Mikey's voice was softer. "Please, get my brothers to let Don go and we can figure everything out. Y/n needs Don and he needs them."

     "Fine," she let out a shaky breath. "I can try, but I can't promise anything," she walked down the hall to the train car that Mikey had stormed out of. All I could do what hope that she wouldn't make things worse.

     Word Count: 1,011. It's snowing where I am. . . I hate snow. Enjoy!

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