Dr. Feelings

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        ~Normal POV~

     "Are you just gonna hang around here my whole shift?" I moved to the table Don was sitting at. "That's, like, another seven hours."

     "I like watching you work," he hummed. "I'm just surprised to see you're a server," the mutant commented. I was just as surprised as he was; being a server messed with my anxiety a lot, so I was always stressed during my shift.

     "That's why I only do late shifts, and it's not often," I hugged my arms around myself. "Now, are you gonna order something? I think there's some sort of loitering policy. . ." I trailed off.

     My eyes shifted to the door as a new group entered the pizzeria. Oh, no. Don seemed to tense just as I did at the sight; They were all here. I glanced around desperately looking for the boy with a bunny-like smile.

     "Where is he?" I bit my lip nervously as I looked around. "Don, I'll be back. Um. . . Stay here, don't look suspicious?" I took off into the employee's room to find the boy.

     "Yuichi!" I spotted the albino boy sitting in the corner. "I have a problem," he glanced up at me, brows pinched in concern. "I need you to take a table for me, please!" I folded my hands together in a plea.

     "Um, okay. Which one?" we peeked out the door and I pointed to the table where the three mutants were sitting. "Any reason?"

     "They know me and my boyfriend, and we aren't exactly on good terms," I said shyly. "Please? Just this once," I knew it was my table to serve, but I don't think I could do it.

     "You got it!" he gave me his sweet bunny smile with a thumbs up and left the breakroom to greet the table.

     "You're the best, Yuichi!" I waited a few minutes before leaving the breakroom as well. I did my best to avoid eye contact with the table the three boys sat at not too far away.

     "I can't believe they followed us," Don muttered as he glared over at them. "Just what are they planning?" my attention shifted as the door opened again and more customers entered. This place was definitely more busy than usual. I felt the urge to scratch at my arm; it was a nervous tic I had developed.

     I gave Don a sad grin before greeting the new guests but felt more than just his eyes on me. Tonight was going to be a long night.

        ~April's POV~

     I was late to meet up with the guys at some newer pizzeria I knew Y/n worked at. Leo texted me when they arrived, being sure to mention the cute guy who was their waiter.

     I slid into the booth next to him, taking note of a certain purple-clad turtle that was already here. Leo had told me that he walked here with Y/n. That mutant was refusing to give Y/n a moment alone. That was fucking things up for us.

     "Why can't we just talk to him?" Mikey looked over at me with his browbones pinched together. "He's our brother. There's no way he's forgotten the good times we had."

     "No, you didn't hear him on the phone talking about what he would do to hurt Y/n," I glared at the younger turtle. "He is messed up. We need to help Y/n."

     "He did look pretty mad when he saw me yesterday, Mikey," Leo gave his brother a sympathetic glance. "We're running out of options. And, we're kinda more brawn than brains now."

     "Hey, Raph can make good plans," the snapping turtle nudged his brother gently.

     "Is there anything else I can get you guys?" a boy with pale skin and white hair made his way to our table. He had a soft smile that showed off bunny-like teeth.

     "No, we're good," I quickly brushed off the boy, catching Leo's pout as the waiter left once more. "Listen, we need an actual good plan. We can't just go into this dim-witted with a half-baked plan," I crossed my arms and glanced at the boys.

     "Is it really any of our business?" Mikey tried once more. "I get it. Y/n was your friend, Donnie was our brother. . . Is. . . Ugh, this is confusing. Let me talk to him. Maybe Dr. Feelings can get through to our brother."

      "And you're sure that's a good idea?" I raised a brow at him.

     "Relax. What's the worst that could happen?" the box turtle smiled and slid out of the booth, leaving me and his older brothers to sit across from Donnie.

        ~Donnie's POV~

     My eyes shifted up from my phone at the sound of someone sitting across from me. Mikey. I looked between him and the now trio that sat in the booth not too far away. When had April arrived? Didn't matter.

     "Donnie?" my gaze darted back to the smaller turtle who looked nervous to be near me.

     "Don," I swiftly corrected him. I much rather preferred the nickname my human gave me. "Why are you here?"

     "April's worried about Y/n, and we're all worried about you," I didn't doubt the truth in the first half of the statement, but the mutant continued. "We miss you," and there was the lie.

     "I don't like lies," I muttered as my gaze sharpened on him. Mikey tried his best not to tense at the sudden glare, but I noticed the small flinch. "Why are you really here?"

     "It's not a lie. Things aren't the same at home without you," Mikey's arms crossed to block himself off, trying not to seem vulnerable. "I miss sitting in your lab while you worked and I painted. Leo is more cut off, even Raph seems lost sometimes."

     "Nothing is stopping you now from entering my lab and taking anything you want," I deadpanned. "You can have 'dibs' on anything you want. As long as it isn't Y/n," my eyes shifted to the human helping a couple across the pizzeria.

     "They really are special to you, aren't they?" I glanced back at Mikey who had met my gaze. He had been looking at my human as well.

     "They are," I nodded warily. "They showed me that I didn't like who I was becoming. I just. . . I need time. Mikey, I don't know if I'll ever come home. Wait. . ." I glanced over him. "Which one am I talking to?"

     "Dr. Feelings," he gave a wide smile as he answered.

     "Well, Dr. Feelings, I like where I am at the moment. I feel content. Y/n makes me feel accepted," I explained to him with my hands folded on the table in front. "I'm trying to change. . . for the better this time. I don't know if it's possible.

     "I've been stuck in this 'end humans' mindset for so long, that being treated nicely by one. . . I care for Y/n, and they care for me. I just need time. I know there isn't enough of it in the world," I looked back at Y/n who met my eyes from across the room and they shot me a smile.

     "Time," Mikey echoed, he wore a soft smile of his own. I tried to keep up my glower, but I could feel myself cracking. Mikey always had that ability, to pass his joy onto you. "Do you know how much?" I shook my head in response.

     I just needed time. Mikey shot me one last smile before getting up and sitting back with our brothers. I couldn't stop myself from falling into my thoughts, just memory after memory of life at home. Dr. Feelings was always able to make you spill everything to him.

     Word Count: 1,295. I'm sorry, who would I be if Usagi didn't show up? Anyway, I watched Scream and Rainbow Rocks, two very different movies. Enjoy!

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