Back to School

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        ~Normal POV~

     I had to go back to my classes, no matter how much I wanted to watch after Donnie. He seemed to be doing better though, he even made a little phone charm for me. I thought it was really sweet of him, and I accepted it. I think it was a thank-you gift of some kind.

     The thing I wasn't looking forward to, other than Mr. Ward's test, was cutting off contact with April. I couldn't stop it immediately, but maybe just ease out of it. Speak of the girl and she shall appear.

     "Y/n, you're feeling better?" she jogged over to me the second she saw me. "I thought you said it would be a couple days."

     "I figured it was just a small bug, so I am feeling better," I shrugged it off. "I gotta get to Ward's class early," I pulled out my phone to check the time so I wouldn't be late.

     "What's that?" April took notice of the charm on my phone.

     "It's a gift Don gave me," I narrowed my eyes at her, but she kept her eyes on the accessory.

     "Why?" she didn't seem to like it at all.

     "I'm giving him a place to stay? And I've been helping him 'cause he's sick?" I offered a couple reasons to her. Why did she hate him so much? "Is something wrong?"

     "You know I don't trust him," April crossed her arms as she finally looked up at me.

     "I do. He hasn't done anything to take away that trust," I glared at her.

     "Nothing? At all?" she asked in disbelief and I nodded. "Right," she hummed and peered at my neck. "Not even that?" my hand moved to the area that had healing black and blues.

     "It was an accident," I pouted, my hand gently rubbing the area that held false pain. It didn't hurt, only at the time he did it was it sore. "He wasn't trusting when we first met."

     "And your wrists too?" I looked at the ground as she spoke. Was she scolding me for not telling her anything? It was my business, why did she care?

     "From the battle shell," I muttered. "He hasn't done anything since," I assured her. "I need to get to class," I cut the conversation short and left her in the courtyard.

     I kept peering back to make sure she wasn't following me. I entered the school, subconsciously fidgeting with the charm that hung from my phone. Should I have left her like that? Was I too harsh? No, Donnie warned me what she was really like.

     Was the mutant trustworthy, though? I mean, he did kinda strangle me in the middle of the night when we first met. No, he was different when he was sick. I believed him, he seemed so upset when he talked about her bullying him when he was little.

     If April was gonna be hostile at the mention of him, maybe it would be better to stop being friends with her. I didn't want to be stuck in the middle of two people who hated each other. Donnie was my roommate now, we were getting closer and I wanted to be his friend. But, April has been my only friend for the longest time. Would it really be so easy to just stop being her friend?

     I entered Mr. Ward's class and he directed me to the back, placing the test booklet and the answering sheet on the desk. He warned me that even if I got what would normally be a perfect score, he would deduct points for not having a note for being ill.

     He continued to teach a normal class while I took my test in the back of the room. It was a bit embarrassing being the odd one out, so I tried my best to ignore it. While I tried to focus on my test, I couldn't stop thinking about how upset April got over a phone charm. A phone charm! What was the big deal?

        ~Donnie's POV~

     Was a priceless interaction I overheard. April spoke to my human the moment she saw them, and Y/n didn't seem too thrilled by the start of a conversation. They told me they wouldn't speak to her, or that they would try their best not to, but the girl gave them no choice.

     What I loved was April's discomfort with the gift I made for Y/n. She knew what happened the last time I made gifts for people, but there were no catches to Y/n's. . . other than the fact that it was a tracker. That, and she knew what it meant. She knew that was a claim.

     April knew I tended to make gifts in the specific person's favorite color, but not this time. This gift was in my color. I knew it upset her, the way her tone changed when she saw it. Even better, she noticed the art I left on my human, even though it was fading away now.

     Would Y/n allow me to give them new bruises? Was it a weird thing to ask? It wasn't in an "I-want-to-hurt-you" way, just an "I-want-to-claim-you" way. Was that the right way to phrase that? Where would I be allowed to bruise them?

     There were many places I liked the thought of; their neck, collarbones, their legs, and wrists. That's what humans did, right? Leave marks on each other as some proof of claim? Their neck and collarbones were the easiest to show off.

     There was something about their helpless body under me that filled that sense of power I needed. Maybe there was more to it, but I wasn't sure. What would it feel like to sink my teeth into their flesh? What would they do about it? Would they let me?

     How would I ask something like that? How would they respond if I did? Would their face get all red and they would start stuttering? I liked the thought of it like it was payback for the vulnerable state they could bring me into. I would be sure to ask, as long as I could avoid my own embarrassment when I did.

     Word Count: 1,035. I got a little more traumatized tonight, feeling like an AO3 author. I'm literally writing to get my mind off what I watched, so enjoy!

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