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        ~Normal POV~

     I left after my classes as quickly as I could, not wanting to be caught in another conversation with April. Oh, what wishful thinking. Here she comes.

     "Y/n," she sounded unamused as she caught sight of me. "You have time. Let's talk."

     "April, I'm really tired from that test, I kinda wanna go home and rest," my brows furrowed together as I glanced at her.

     "You can walk and talk, let's go," she walked in the direction of my apartment and I let out a quiet huff. "I need to tell you more about Donnie," I looked up at the nickname.

     "Don or Donatello," I reminded her. "He doesn't like Donnie."

     "Fine, Don. These 'gifts' he makes," she made air quotes. "They aren't always good. There was an accident with his brothers from the gifts he made them," I barely listened to her words. Was she upset that he never made her a gift or something?

     "April, it's a phone charm," I shook the accessory at her lightly. "It's not gonna kill me."

     "Y/n, he made his brother a shock collar because he made jokes too often," my eyes flicked up to see her serious expression. "He's not this nice guy you're trying to make him out to be. Donatello is dangerous."

     "How do I know you aren't lying?" I asked with a shaking breath. April scoffed as she gave me an offended glare.

     "Why would I lie about this?" her gaze hardened. "What the hell has he been telling you that would make you think I'm lying?" I stayed silent. I didn't have to share any information with her I didn't want to. "I'm telling you the truth. You can even talk to Leo about it."

     "I told you I'm not comfortable with meeting his brothers yet," I shot back. "I'm sorry," I quickly apologized for the outburst. "I'm still getting used to living with someone new and learning to trust each other."

     "You can't trust him, Y/n, that's the thing," April seemed exasperated that she had to tell me that once again. "You've known me for so long. Why would I lie to you?" my eyes examined her face. She was upset with me. I hated making people upset.

     Just in front of us, I spotted my apartment complex; my saving grace. I picked up my pace to get to it sooner and escape April's disappointed gaze. "Let's continue this another time," I spoke quickly before disappearing into the building. Of course, I wouldn't bring it up again, but I knew the dark-skinned girl would.

     "Don, I'm back," I dropped my bag next to the door instead of bringing it to my room like I usually would. I looked up from the ground to see the turtle already on the couch looking like I woke him up from a nap.

     "Hi, Y/n," he rubbed at his eye gently and I grinned at the sight. The soft, sleepy expression was much more pleasing than the hard, disappointed glare April looked at me with.

     "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I spoke softly while he sat up on the couch. "Any good dreams?" I sat beside the turtle but still gave him space to be comfortable.

     "I don't usually dream," he said flatly and I cringed a bit. "Can I ask a question?" he looked up at me and I nodded. He hesitated for a moment as he tried to figure out how to phrase his question. "Why do humans like to bruise each other? Do you guys like it?" I tensed at his question. What was making him think about that?

     "Some of us do, yes," I tried to make my brain process any thought to keep myself from embarrassment. "It has to be something mutual between them. Are-- do you mean like a hickey?" his head tilted at the phrase. Right, why would the mutant that lived underground know that word?

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