You Missed

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        ~Normal POV~

     I squeezed my eyes tightly at the sound of my alarm going off in the morning. The tightening of an arm around me is what made me shoot up. I heard the sleepy and disappointed groan come from the mutant beside me.

     I must've forgotten I fell asleep in here last night. "G'morning Don," I ruffled the top of the turtle's head while he ducked to try and avoid it. I nearly fell over when I tried to stand up due to our legs still being looped together under the blanket.

     "No," he whined, reaching out to try and pull me back down. "You're so warm. Come back."

     "I have to get ready for class," I reminded the sleepy mutant. He shook his head wanting desperately to tug me back down. "I'll make us breakfast and coffee if you let me up," that seemed to wake him up a bit more. 

     "Fine," he shifted to untangle our legs and the blanket while he sat up. He had that grumpy tired expression that was kinda cute. His eyes were squinted a bit at the light and he wore a pout.

     "C'mon, Softie," I stood up and left the room hearing the soft footfalls of my mutant not far behind. When I was at the oven, he stepped up behind me to wrap his arms around my waist and rested his forehead on my shoulder.

     "You could have brought the blanket if you're cold, Don," I reminded him and he huffed.

     "I just wanna hold you a bit longer," he mumbled and nuzzled against the crook of my neck. His hands traced up and down my sides gingerly making goosebumps form.

     "Okay," I quietly accepted the contact while heating up some waffles. I wasn't too hungry, but I knew it was better to eat something than nothing and get grumpy from getting super hungry during the day.

     I popped a K-Cup into the Keurig, hating the annoying buzzing that came from the device, but it was all I could afford. I added cream and sugar before placing it off to the side and started a second one for myself.

     "Coffee's ready," I told the turtle who was still clinging to me. "Don?" I glanced down the best I could to look at him.

     "I'll get to it," he pressed a soft kiss against my neck. Then another, and another. "Is this okay?" his voice was a whisper as he pulled away a bit.

     "Yes, it's okay," I hummed in response. For the moment it was all right, I just hoped I wouldn't become overstimulated from the contact. "Hold on," he stayed still, his grip loosening as I turned to face him.

     I took in a deep breath before grabbing his cheeks and pulling his face to mine as I pressed a kiss to his lips. Then again, and again. I could feel my cheeks heating up while Don's grip on my waist tightened once more.

     I don't know where the sudden confidence had come from, but I sure as hell wasn't gonna fight against it. I could practically feel the mutant melting in my hands. His cool scales became warm and I could feel him smiling against my lips.

     "Do you really have to go?" he pulled away with a pout. I smiled and pressed another gentle kiss to his snout.

     "Unfortunately, I do. But, aren't you walking with me?" my brows pinched together.

     "Well, I was thinking of having Shelldon escort you until I can finish some new drones as our pawns," a frown crossed my lips. I understood why he was doing it, but it didn't make me less upset that he wouldn't be walking with me like he said he would.

     "C'mon. Let's eat before the waffles get too cold," I plated a couple for both of us, passing Don his coffee while I prepped my own.

     "I'll work as fast as I can so that we'll be able to walk together," my mutant spoke, trying to help my slightly soured mood. "I promise," those were words I didn't hear from him often. 

     "Oh," I snapped my fingers in realization. "D, I have a shift tonight at the pizza place by that alley I found you in. I usually work a couple nights a week, if they need me."

     "So, when will you be back?" Don looked up at me nervously.

     "Maybe around ten or eleven?" I responded. "But, I'll have Shell with me, and you're always free to pick me up if you'd like. I think seeing my boyfriend after stressing out around strangers would be nice."

     "Okay, I'll pick you up. Just, stay indoors and don't talk to anyone shady. Shelldon does have his safety protocols set up, and my AI is definitely never buggy. So, be safe," how ironic for him to tell me not to speak to anyone shady.

     "I'll see you tonight then," I stood and gave Don a kiss on the forehead. "Don't overwork yourself, okay?" he nodded as he took a sip of his coffee.

     "One more thing," my mutant stopped me before I could walk out the door. He bent down and raised my chin to place a kiss on my lips. "You missed."

     Word Count: 875. More fluff. Wow, this is a surprise. It's only midnight, so I could very quickly change my mind. So, enjoy!

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