A Softie and His Brownies

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     Unsurprisingly, I woke up before my human. I smiled down at their smaller figure. Subconsciously, I pulled them a bit closer, not wanting to leave the bed. . . their side, just yet.

     Y/n shifted in their rest, their head burrowing into my neck and I could have melted at the sight. Okay, so I was a bit of a softie for my human, only they would ever see this side of me.

     A few minutes passed and I decided I should get up. I moved away from Y/n to keep from waking them, covering them with the weighted blanket to simulate me still being there with them.

     My first stop was the bathroom to inspect the rope burn I had gotten last night. The skin of my arms was visibly irritated, with darker green and tints of red showing in my reflection. Maybe I would be able to get my human to treat it when they awoke.

     I should do something nice for them. They always cooked for me, maybe I could bake something for them. Did they like sweets? Would they like cupcakes? Or maybe brownies? Who doesn't like a bit of chocolate?

     I began searching their cabinets to see if they had anything to actually make the treat I thought of. Pushed to the back of one of the cabinets was actually a box of brownie mix. Y/n probably didn't even realize they still had it. They would need to either climb onto the counter or use a step ladder to even reach the back.

     I searched for the ingredients not included in the box before I began baking the goods. In the middle of my little session, I heard footsteps quietly padding toward me and a head resting on my arm.

     "Good morning, darling," I gave my human a soft smile while they looked up at me with one of their own, cheeks tinting pink at the pet name. "Did you sleep all right?"

     "Mm-hmm," they hummed with a nod. "What are you making?" they rubbed their eyes sleepily.

     "Brownies," I replied. A chill ran down my spine at my human's cold fingers tracing up my arm.

     "What happened? Do they hurt?" Y/n asked, brows knitting together in concern.

     "It's rope burn from Mikey's kusari-fundo," I said simply "I guess they do hurt a little. Your cold hands feel nice against them."

     "I think I might have some aloe. . ." they thought out loud. "I'll be right back," they walked away and came back a few moments later. "I did! I had to search for it because I don't use it because I hate how it feels, but I found it," they rambled on about why it took a couple of minutes for them to find it.

     "If it makes you uncomfortable to touch, then no worries, I won't make you," I informed my human.

     "But, I like taking care of you," they quietly admitted. "I can deal with it so I can help you feel better," they set down the bottle, pumping a bit of the green liquid into their hand and I could see the visible discomfort on their face.

     I shuddered at the cold, slimy mixture that was rubbed against the burns. I could understand why Y/n didn't like touching it. "I know, I'm sorry," they apologized when they noticed how I reacted. "It'll help, I promise. They'll heal faster and it won't be so irritated."

     "I don't deserve you, you know that?" I looked down at them lovingly. I really didn't do anything to deserve someone as caring as Y/n. They were so sweet, and they always tried to overlook the bad in me.

     "Everyone deserves somebody," Y/n replied. "No matter what. Villain or not, I love you and I always will. I'll take care of you because I never got that. Don, you deserve love."

     "I love you, too," I felt a tug in my heart at their words. My human really was everything to me. For better or for worse, I was absolutely smitten with them. "Just a moment, love," they pulled away as I glanced at the timer that was soon to go off on my gauntlet.

     I pulled out the brownies, poking at them with a toothpick to check if they were fully cooked. I hated the inside of something being gooey, it was a sensory thing. "We just let these cool and we're good."

     "They smell amazing. Where did you learn to bake?" Y/n asked. I knew they loved cooking all the time, and they mostly learned from their dad. Did they ever bake sweets together?

     "Well, Mikey knew how to cook, so I wanted to learn how to bake. I learned a lot from the internet," I told them. "C'mon, let's go watch something while the brownies cool."

     Y/n grabbed the aloe bottle and my hand, leading me to the couch and handing me the remote. "You can choose, I need to get your other arm," I cringed a little at the thought of the aloe touching me again, but I would bare it for my human. I loved the feeling of someone taking care of me.

     I flicked the TV on, flipping through a few channels before settling on an old Jupiter Jim rerun. A spark of nostalgia shot through my brain of having Jupiter Jim marathons with my brothers and I almost clicked off before realizing it caught Y/n's eye.

     "Who's that?" they queried.

     "You don't know who Jupiter Jim is?" my wide eyes glanced down at them while they gave me a confused smile and a shrug. Immediately, I began explaining the lore to them, from the first movie to the latest, from my favorite characters to little random facts I knew. The whole time they looked at me, having their attention solely on me.

     The way my human listened so intently to what I had to say, the way they looked at me with interest and love while I rambled on and on about the series I had been obsessed with in my childhood. I never realized how lucky I really was to meet them in that alley that night.

     Experiencing all the things I had with them. . . I don't think I would trade the world for anything different. This was where I belonged. This was home.

     Word Count: 1,060. Loving using the line "this is home/this was home." I've had a shit ton of caffeine, so I'm hyper right now. Anyway, enjoy! 

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