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        ~Donnie's POV~

     Home. I needed to get home. I needed to be with my human. I could feel my actions set in, the realization that I killed Leo. I fucking killed him. Just get home. Y/n will understand. They won't ask questions.

     I sped up once more, not caring for the strange looks of passing yokai, others more concerned by the blood still splattered across my face. I felt like I was losing my mind. I needed my human to ground me.

     I finally made it topside, my eyes darting around as I tried to stay hidden. I needed to clean this blood off me. I can't let Y/n see me like this. Where? Where could I go? There's no way I was washing my face in the Hudson, that's for damn sure.

     My hands were shaking and my breathing was heavy. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! I needed to calm down. Just. . . just breathe. My human would understand, right?

     I sneaked back into our apartment, immediately going to the bathroom and getting into the shower. The water was hot, scalding almost to the point it hurt. Subconsciously, I reached to scratch the markings on my cheeks.

     I needed to get them off. No, no, if I looked at myself, I would see Leo again. Get them off. My face was burning as I scratched violently at my cheeks, the hot water not helping, neither were the leaking tears--

     I was crying? There was no chance I was crying over something so small. Right, finish up so I can see my human. I needed them. My eyes glanced down at the thin blood streaming down through the drain.

     Did I feel. . . was this guilt? I only felt it a few times, and only when I was around Y/n. I finished up in the shower, not enjoying the rush of cold air when I got out.

     "Y/n?" I called out for my human, hoping they were awake by now. I was hugging myself while I sat on the bathroom floor, letting everything that hadn't hit me in the shower sink in.

     "Something the matter, D?" Mikey was the one that spoke from outside the door and I tensed. Oh gods, how would he react if he'd known what I'd done?

     "I need Y/n," my words wavered slightly. "Are they awake?" I was craving their touch, their warmth, their comfort. I needed them.

     "Yeah, I'll go get them," I picked up on the concern in Mikey's voice. Would he care about me like that if he'd known? I could never let him find out. A few moments passed where I was trapped in my thoughts again.

     "Don?" my human spoke up. "Can I come in?" no, they would see the blood that still stained my gear.

     "No, I can come out," I could barely keep my voice strong. "Can you bring me some clothes and I'll meet you in our room?"

     "Of course," they spoke quickly and I heard their footsteps rush away. Another moment passed and the door cracked open, a pair of sweatpants and a sweater popping through. I took the clothes from them, my mind overworking from the small contact our hands made.

     After putting on the clean clothes, I picked up the stained clothes, throwing them in the washer, and starting it. I entered my and Y/n's room, feeling more pathetic by the second. Something about being around them made me so weak and vulnerable.

     I flopped onto the bed next to them, grabbing their hand and placing it under my chin. I needed their touch, that would help me.

     "Oh, Don, your cheeks," their hand shifted from my chin to my cheeks, thumb brushing over them lightly. "Were you scratching them again?" I kept a pout as I looked up at my human.

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