Taken Care Of

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     I could hear the young adults in the other room going over a study guide for Y/n's test. As much as I loved the idea of tutoring my subject, I had a different role to play. I had cracked open the water bottle Y/n had given to me and took careful sips from it.

     They saw my soft shell. They didn't say anything mean, but I felt them staring. Involuntarily, my hand reached back for the faux pain I felt from the scars. Did they think my scars were ugly? Did they think I was weak now that my battle shell was off?

     Was my body heating up? What was wrong with me? I shook my head as I recognized the feeling; I was embarrassed. I didn't like how exposed I felt. I wanted to put my battle shell back on. I had grown so used to its weight. I needed something; anything.

     "Y/n," I called out for the young adult without even thinking. The chattering on the other side of the wall paused, followed by the door opening and footsteps approaching the room I was laying in.

     "Everything okay, Don?" I swallowed my pride at their caring voice.

     "Do you have a weighted blanket?" my eyes shifted from them to the ceiling, not wanting to see them when I felt weak.

     "Oh, um, yeah. Let me go get it," the door shut again and their footfalls grew distant. Why were they so caring? I would be lying if I wasn't staring at the bruises I left around their neck when they first came in. There was something about the sight of it I liked, and I didn't know what.

     "I got it," the door opened again and there Y/n was, holding the blanket to their chest with a light smile. I sat up and they rushed to me, clearly not liking that I was moving instead of resting.

     My eyes moved from their caring expression straight to the bruises, or where they would be. You could only see the if they stood at an angle, otherwise, they were guarded by an oversized hoodie. They handed me the blanket that I was quick to wrap around my soft shell.

     "Lay back down, Don," their voice made me look from their neck back to their face. They looked so genuinely concerned for me. This was working, of course it was. My plans always work. Y/n moved to help me lay back down, eyeing me worriedly.

     "Just a little longer and you'll have my undivided attention, I promise," their hands pressed to my cheeks again to check my temperature before their own puffed out. "Can I take this off?" their finger looped under my bandana. I nodded, craving their touch. Why was that? What was this?

     The bandana slipped off my face and their hand pressed against my forehead. "You're a bit warm, but it might be from the mask. I'll check up on you when my friend leaves, okay?" I nodded again. I knew they were talking about April, and I also knew they weren't saying that to keep from upsetting me. How sweet of them. However, I didn't like lies.

     "I'll be back in a bit, Donatello," they placed the mask on the desk before exiting the room once more. I pulled the edges of the weighted blanket closer to me, liking the pressure as I carefully flipped onto my plastron in order to feel the weight on my soft shell.

     I wondered for a moment if Y/n would give good hugs. Why was I craving their touch? That wasn't like me, not at all. I hated being touched. Maybe they could be an exception. Maybe I wouldn't mind them hugging me. What would it feel like if they touched my soft shell? The thought alone caused an unpleasant chill to run up it.

     That would be too much for me to handle. Even when me and April were close, she wasn't allowed to touch my soft shell. The talking in the next room over didn't last much longer before footsteps crept past my room; obviously, that was April leaving. A few minutes later, the door reopened.

     "I wanted to suggest a bath," Y/n spoke from the doorway, their voice shy. "Not that you smell bad or anything, but baths always make me feel a bit better when I'm sick," they said quickly after to defend their words.

     "Okay," I replied simply. I'm sure a bath would actually do me some good. I also didn't doubt I smelled a bit, it had been a while.

     "Let's get you to the bathroom," Y/n stepped closer to me to help me up, and I let them. They were careful not to touch my soft shell, to the best of their ability at least, I felt their fingers graze against it and a shudder ran up it. What I hated, I wasn't completely against the contact, not that I would let them know that.

     They sat me on the toilet while they turned to the tub. "Um, what temperature? I don't want to hurt your soft shell if it's too hot, but I also don't want it to be too cold for you," how caring of them.

     "Just lukewarm is all right," I muttered quietly. Why were they so nice? Did they want to be a good guy? I didn't want that. No, they needed to be my assistant, my perfect experiment. I needed to change this.

     A part of me liked this niceness, however. What if they were only nice to me but harsh to others? I could live with that. I liked that plan. The loud drumming of water against the tub caught my attention and my head shot forward at the noise. The quick motion made me dizzy and Y/n seemed to notice.

     "I'm sorry," they apologized with a worried gaze. "I should have warned you it's a bit loud."

     What are you doing to me? Please stop caring so much, I might actually become attached to you. I would never say that out loud, not to the human at least.

     "If you wanna wash up, I kinda only have girly scents at the moment," they scratched the back of their neck. "Ap-- My friend does most of my shopping cause she used to spend the night a lot. . . Now that she doesn't, I just have leftovers from her products," they nearly slipped up.

     "What do you like? I can pick some up next time I go out," my mind blanked. They would get whatever I liked? I didn't know what I liked, I had no idea what they had on the surface.

     "Right," they snapped in thought. "You wouldn't really know what's up here, would you?" why were my words escaping me? Why wasn't I responding? "I'll find something for the both of us, don't even worry about it."

     The water stopped running and I looked at the tub that was ready for me. I couldn't remember the last time I had a nice bath. Maybe just submerging myself in the water would make me feel better. Hopefully, it would get rid of this weird craving for Y/n's attention.

     "I'll just be in the other room if you need me," they wore a sweet yet shy smile. Why did I like the feeling of being taken care of? "Just call and I'll be here, okay?" I nodded in confirmation. I could get used to this.

     Word Count: 1,250. Did I mention I had a Monster and a cup of coffee? Let's see how much longer I can go, enjoy!

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