Are You Lost?

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        ~Mikey's POV~

     "Are you okay, April?" I helped her up gently, careful of her reddened wrists that would definitely bruise over.

     "How could you help them?" she yelled at me incredulously. 

     "Because that is my brother! And whatever that crazy power-up was, we don't know how it works. All he asked for was some time, and you were too selfish to give him that," I argued back. I was frustrated, how couldn't I have been?

     Why was I the only one that even thought to respect Don's wishes? Why was everyone too blind to notice that he was changing for the better? This would probably cause a huge setback with whatever progress I had made with him.

     "Mikey, April, you guys all right?" Raph asked as he and Leo came running back in. "Shelly took off, and I don't think it's worth the chase."

     "Don and Y/n got away," April spoke up, glaring at me as subtly as she could. "Think Splints will know anything about that weird glowy thing D did?"

     "Not sure. Pops doesn't tend to talk about anything Hamato Clan related," Raph glanced back to the stairs that led up to Dad's room. "I guess it can't hurt to ask."

     We all cautiously made out way to the makeshift living room, seeing Dad watching some show that he had recently grown a liking to, but I couldn't understand why.

     "Hey Pop," the snapping turtle was the first to speak up, gaining our father's attention. "I got a quick question. If someone kinda started doing this glowy thing and suddenly had new armor and got super strong, what would that be?"

     "What?" Dad coughed out the popcorn he was eating, completely caught off guard by the question. "Who?"

     "Donnie," I tried to keep back a glare at the incorrect name that my eldest brother used.

     "He never severed ties with the Hamato Clan. . . he somehow unlocked his Hamato Ninpo? How? When did this happen?" Dad muttered to himself before asking us his own question.

     "Maybe five minutes ago?" Leo answered nervously.

     "Purple was here?" I didn't want to stick around any longer, I wanted to make sure Don and Y/n were all right. Would Don still allow me to speak with either of them? Would he still exchange letters with me?

     "Mikey?" I felt their eyes fall on me. Had they been talking to me? Wait, Dad said my name? He's never done that, it was such a rare occurrence, and he only does it if he's super serious.

     "You let them go?" my browbones furrowed and I looked to the ground. April told them? Why couldn't she just leave things be?

     "Yeah," I breathed out, hating all of their eyes on me. "I just thought--"

     "You shouldn't have thought of anything other than keeping him here! Gods, you can be so clueless sometimes!" Raph snapped, his face showing immediate regret. "Mike--"

     I didn't stick around to hear whatever sorry excuse he had. Instead, I rushed out of the lair, ignoring the calls and footsteps that started to chase after me.

     When I had gotten far enough away, I realized no one was pursuing me anymore. I took in breaths in huffs, trying to keep myself from breaking down. I collapsed into the alley, hugging myself tightly as my breaths became ragged and tears streamed down my cheeks.

      I was so upset with myself. Maybe Raph was right. Did I really do the wrong thing by letting Don leave with Y/n? No, no, that was right. I shouldn't have let them talk me into luring Don into a trap, he didn't deserve that.

     It took a bit to calm down and recognize where I was. This was an alley we had found Don in a few times while we were patrolling, meaning that the fire escape in front of me. . . Y/n's home.

     With a shaky breath, I slowly walked up the stairs that creaked as I stepped on them. Was it always this loud? It didn't seem that way when Don would go up it. I reached the fourth floor, peeking into a window to a room that had a weighted blanket resting on the bed, papers scattered around it, and a purple sweater.

     This had to be Don's room. I knocked on the window, hoping someone would hear it inside the apartment. If they were home, that is.

        ~Normal POV~

     "Did you hear that?" I looked up from the nail I was currently painting on Don's hand. His eyes narrowed as we sat quietly to hear if it would sound again. Sure enough, there was a quiet knocking somewhere in the apartment.

     "I'll check it out," Don picked up the newly discovered Bo Staff. What had happened was he was gonna try and help clean up, and when he picked up the broom, some weird glowing purple activated and it changed into a new weapon for the turtle.

     Yeah, Don wasn't allowed to touch any more brooms now. He tiptoed toward our rooms where the sound had come from, pausing in front of his own as another knock rang out.

     He disappeared into the room and he started talking with someone, not arguing, just. . . calmly speaking. "Everything okay, Don?" I called out for my boyfriend, brows pinched together as I waited for his response.

     "Yeah, it's Mikey," he poked his head out of his room, his brows furrowed in concern. "He needs a place to stay. Can he stay the night?" I was surprised to see the mutant so willing to even ask if Mikey could stay instead of kicking him out.

     "Of course," I nodded. He helped me and Don get out, the least I could do was give him a place to crash for the night. A few moments passed before Don came out of his room with his little brother in tow, the weighted blanket draped over the box turtle's shoulders.

     "Hey, Mikey," I offered the smaller turtle a soft smile. "Thanks for helping me 'n Don outta there," he nodded as he listened. "Is everything okay?"

     "No, I think my brothers hate me now," he sniffled, not meeting my eye. "But, I don't regret it. Don wasn't happy at the lair. He's happy here, with you. You're his home."

     "C'mere," I held my arms out, hugging the boy tightly. "You can stay here as long as you need, okay?" I looked to Don who gave me a nod of approval. I knew he had a soft spot for his baby brother, he wouldn't have even thought to meet with him if he didn't.

     "Don made brownies if you want one," I offered with a soft smile. "He's a good baker."

     "You still bake, D?" Mikey looked up at his brother. "I'm glad you do. I've always loved your sweets."

     "I learned from the best," Don ruffled the top of his brother's head.

     Word Count: 1,155. My server asked for fluff and then this happened. I'll make up for it, I promise. Enjoy!

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