Escape? With You?

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        ~Seraphina's POV~

     I wasn't ready for this fight. I stood in front of the large metal door as I waited for it to open. The crowd screamed as Mother introduced the last fighters of the night.

     My hoof hit the ground as I stepped through the door and into the arena. Those two figures from before had yet to move, and I had a better view now. One was a human, the other was a turtle similar to the one I was being forced to fight, only much smaller.

     The large turtle nearly tackled me to the ground the moment he saw me, had I not dodged in time. He was breathing heavily, with fresh wounds yet to be cleaned. Sounded about right for Mother.

     The crowd was chanting for me. They had too much faith. The two in the reserved spots by Mother screamed in fear for the turtle. Raph, so that was his name.

     "Hey, Big Guy," I tested out, the beast stood taller, showing how much he towered over me. He let out a huff, and I swear smoke would have come out as if he were a dragon.

     His fists clenched as I observed him, looking at the cracked shell and bleeding cuts. His last fight seemed so tiring, was he really ready for another one?

     My eyes glanced back to my tail, all nine feathers on the end still glowed brightly. Would it really be worth it to risk a life to save someone I didn't know?

     In short, yes. I knew how Mother was when she found someone who would be her new champion. I lived with that role most of my life, I didn't want someone else to live through that.

     "I don't want to hurt you," it felt weird to say that. It felt weird to talk to my opponent. 'Raph' didn't reply, just letting out a low grunt before trying to attack me again.

     This would be easier if I had my wings. I groaned in annoyance, aware of the warning trill from the collar telling me to attack or there would be consequences.

     Mother looked down at me with narrowed eyes, not amused by the lack of show I was putting on. I ducked under another swipe from his claws as he spouted out some nonsense.

        ~Normal POV~

     "Mikey, what do we do? It's like he can't even hear us!" my nails picked at my skin as I watched the Chimera dodge every attack Raph threw her way. Why wasn't she trying to hurt him as the other guy had? And what was with that collar around her neck?

     "It's because he doesn't feel safe," Mikey said, browbones furrowing. "He needs a familiar face. . . I need to get down there," he leaned against the railing, planning something silently.

     "How are we gonna--"

     "Do you trust me?" my eyes shot back to Mikey. He was really gonna ask that? After all the time he's lived with me and Don? He never gave me a reason not to, not since Don's 'kidnapping,' but that was quite some time ago now.

     "Mikey, what are you gonna do?" I needed him to get home safe, I promised Don.

     "Do you trust me?"

     "Yes," I said, still visibly worried. "Promise me you'll be safe," he looked between the arena and me.

     "I promise," he said simply before hopping over the railing.

     "Mikey!" he rolled on the ground as he landed. The giant spider shouted out with a pout at the sight.

     "Those little turtle-y boos, always messing things up. You, however, might change that," the spider skittered toward me. Yeah. . . nope. I jumped over the railing as well, rolling over as I landed on the ground covering myself in the dirt.

     I grabbed my side as I stood up, not liking the pain I felt in it. My head tilted curiously as I glanced up at the tall Chimera who looked at me the same. Had she never seen a human before?

     "Look out," she tackled me onto the ground as Raph lunged at us. Right, I was not a good familiar face to him.

     "Oh, thanks," I stared confused. Was she not going to hurt us? "You're not gonna. . ." she tilted her head as she waited for me to continue. "Nevermind. Thank you."

     I watched Mikey nervously as he tried to remind Raph of who he was, but the loud screams of fans didn't seem to be helping at all. "Please, I still need you, Raph!" Mikey pleaded with him, making him freeze.

     "You're my big brother. I'll always need you," the box turtle glanced away. "Where I am feels like home, but it's not the same. Y/n takes care of us, they aren't a bad guy, but that doesn't mean that I don't need you anymore."

     "No, Raph alone," the large turtle swung and Mikey dodged.

     "But you don't have to be!" the younger brother argued back. "Come home with us. Things will be better, I promise."

     "I can keep Mother distracted," the Chimera told me.

     "That's your mom?" I tried not to shout in my confusion.

     "It's complicated," she glanced down at me and then back at the spider. "But, I can get her attention on me while you guys get out of here."

     "No way. We can get out of here together," her hand raised up to the collar that let out a trill in a warning. Her body tensed as electricity ran through her body, but she stayed standing.

     "Together?" she didn't seem to trust me too much.

     "Look, you protected me from being attacked by Raph, and you didn't try to hurt him when you got into this ring. I think it's only fair you escape with us," she endured another shock.

     "You. . . you know nothing about me, yet you want me to leave with you?" she was more than confused at my suggestion.

     "Yes. That's just who I am," I offered a kind smile to the Chimera. "I'm Y/n," I stuck a hand out and she glanced down at it. "What's your name?"

     "Oh," she copied my motion, putting her hand into mine, claws lightly grazing against my hand. "Seraphina."

     "Mikey, how's it going over there?" I glanced at the small turtle before looking at where the spider once was. Wait. . . "Uh, she's gone!"

     The spider hissed as she pounced down at the turtles seeing as Seraphina wasn't. The Chimera lunged at Big Mama, claws ready to strike. She was. . . protecting the turtles? Why?

     "Phina, defying your mother again? Whatever has gotten into you?" Mikey rushed over to me, a tired-looking Raph beside him. The snapping turtle seemed calmer, his pupils visible again as he looked at the fighting yokai and Chimera.

     "Time to go," the box turtle told me.

     "Not yet. We need to help Seraphina," I pointed at the Chimera that was fighting off Big Mama. Sure, I didn't know her, but she was helping us. It was only fair we return the favor.

     "I'll call Don, he can help us. Just, keep Big Mama distracted," I pulled my phone out to call my boyfriend. Maybe he had some tech to restrain the spider, or to get us away from here fast. Please have something that can help.

     Word Count: 1,224. I wanna thank Rose again for letting me add her character to this story. I adore Seraphina, she deserves some love. Enjoy.

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