Missed You

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        ~Normal POV~

     I left the apartment in a fluster, almost shutting the door before Shelldon could exit. My cheeks were burning and my mind was in overdrive. I was silently screaming as the scene played over and over in my head.

     Was it the confidence? The size difference? Both? I could barely keep my focus for two seconds without having my mind wander back to Don. I glanced down to see my hands flapping a bit as the giddy feeling took over my thoughts.

     "Yo, Y-- Shelly?" I was snapped out of my mind by the sight of Leon. . . er, Leo. "Where'd you find this guy?" the mutant dressed in blue stepped closer only for the drone to hover in front of me protectively.

     "Uh, Don had him come to our apartment," I narrowed my eyes a bit. "He wanted to work on the little guy," I placed a hand on the drone. "Okay, Shell. My classroom window is over there, just hang out there till my lecture is over. Mr. Ward won't let you in, he's an ass."

     "You got it," he made his way to the window, leaving me with Leo for a moment.

     "Now, I'm going to class. I'd like it if you stopped following me," I tugged my bag closer and glared at the turtle who laughed and scratched the back of his neck.

     "Can you just talk for a minute? Please?" he called out to me and I stopped, spinning on my heel to face him with my arms crossed. "April is really worried about you. Listen, Donnie is my brother, he used to be friends with April. He's not capable of feeling something like 'love,' and he isn't a good guy."

     "People can change, Leo. Bad guys deserve a chance, too. And it's Don," I kept my eyes on him. "You can tell April to stop worrying about me. I can handle myself and I don't need you guys coming around and, well, fucking things up. Why can't you let your brother be happy?"

     "Minute's up," I glanced down at my phone before looking back to the turtle. "See ya."

        ~Donnie's POV~

     Is this how a dog felt when their human left them alone? Missing them even though they haven't been gone that long? I missed my human even though they had only just left maybe ten minutes ago.

     As much as I wanted to work, I couldn't take my brain off my own overly confident move I made. I could feel my face heating up as I finally processed what I had done.

     Maybe I could check up on them-- No. No, respecting boundaries meant no more spying on them. I mean, I didn't have to get rid of the tracker, right? That was just a safety precaution to protect what was mine.

     I wanted to be holding Y/n again. Their presence and warmth comforted me; I felt safe around them. It wouldn't be a lie to say I loved hearing them refer to me as their boyfriend. It made me feel loved, wanted.

     Maybe we didn't need any pawns and Shelldon would be enough. I would rather spend time with my human than be cooped up working on a project. I never thought like that before; I always preferred my work over hanging out with my brothers or with April. I guess people really can change.

     How would I distract myself till tonight when I was going to get Y/n? I was too distracted to get any drones done, and Shelldon was with Y/n, so I couldn't work on him.

     I could go out on my own and try to gather intel. I hadn't spoken with my brothers or faced April in a while, I needed to know how much changed with them. Yeah, that's what I'd do.

     I locked the front door and entered my bedroom to leave the house through the fire escape. I knew April was in Eastlaird, and currently, Leo was "undercover" as a student there as well.

     Where would Mikey and Raph be? Well, it's just about noon, so it's possible Raph is still asleep, he's nocturnal, after all. Mikey doesn't usually go out unless he's with someone. Is it possible he's also at Eastlaird? It wouldn't hurt to check.

     I hopped up onto the roof with the help of my spider shell to get to the college faster. As a plus, my arrival would be a sweet surprise for my human. When I was across from the school, I pulled the goggles down over my eyes and scanned over every person I saw entering or exiting the building.

     I snickered at the sight of a cantaloupe-headed human checking all around him before stepping into the outdoors. I still regretted not taking a hand to threaten April with. His injury clearly wasn't enough to deter her from her 'rescue' mission.

     I watched as he disappeared around the back of the school and I decided to pursue him. I scaled down the building I was on and made my way up onto the roof of the university.

     "I don't know about this, April. I mean, look at me. I got this from touching them. He's insane, I don't want to risk anything else," the bald male sounded as nervous as he looked.

     "Dale, Y/n was my best friend. I need to find out what the hell Donnie did to them," I didn't do anything. . . well, not recently. I may have fibbed a little about how April treated me. She hadn't been my biggest bully, even if she made a joke or two about my old glasses.

     It was the scolding, the look of hatred when I told her the story about the Dragon's Tooth and that whole shebang. The disappointment in her eyes, her tone as she scolded me for experimenting on my brothers again. It reminded me of Dad. . . I think that's what made me despise her.

     "No, April. You didn't see the look in his eyes. You weren't the one threatened with a chainsaw. You're not the one with multiple broken bones," Dale spouted out at the girl. "I don't want to be a part of this anymore."

     Officially down a pawn. "Okay, you did not tell me about the chainsaw!" the dark-skinned girl shouted incredulously. "Listen, it's just for a little longer. I got other guys. Nothing bad is gonna happen."

     "April, I said no, okay? I gotta get to class. You should do the same," the cantaloupe left April by herself and she started pacing, mumbling to herself so I couldn't hear anymore.

     There's still an hour left of Y/n's lecture. What could I do till then? I guess I could entertain myself on my phone. And so I did until I heard the annoying ringing of a bell coming from inside the building.

     Shelldon flew around the side of the school and waited for my human to walk out of it. I slipped down the side of the building, walking to meet up with them as well when someone else caught both of our attention at the same time.

     Mikey was in an oversized orange hoodie and sweatpants to blend in and he walked up to my human. He was their height, maybe an inch taller. Wow, he must've had a growth spurt after I left.

     I saw his hand gesture to Shelldon while Y/n glanced around looking for a way out. I walked up to them, catching both of their eyes. "Don!" my human sounded so overjoyed by my showing up that I almost let my soft side slip out.

     "Hey, Y/n," I greeted them. "How was class?"

     "Boring, um, this is Mikey. Mikey, Don," they introduced us even though it was clear by the tense atmosphere we knew each other. The box turtle stared up at me in awe. I guess it had been a while since we saw each other, it was only natural.

     "Let's get you to work, yeah?" I glanced between the two, noticing Mikey's slight reach to want to keep either of us from going too soon, but he didn't touch either of us.

     "See ya around, Mikey," Y/n sent the mutant a fake smile before turning and heading in the direction of the pizza place with Shelldon following behind us. "So, any reason why you were at Eastlaird today?"

     "I missed you."

     Word Count: 1,402. Only two for tonight, I'm surprisingly tired. Another fluff with some plot advancement. Enjoy!

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