Comfort (In Sweet Revenge)

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        ~Normal POV~

     There were tears dried to my cheeks as I was rested on top of Don's plastron. How long had I been here? When did I fall asleep? My eyes shifted along the coffee table to see the plates were already moved and two water bottles were on the table. One was already opened and half gone while the other sat there unopened.

     I tried to sit up, only to be stopped by an arm that wrapped around me to hold me in place. My hand reached up and I subconsciously rubbed at my overly bruised neck. It wasn't that it hurt, maybe it was just a fidget or tic I had.

     "Don," my own voice surprised me as I nudged at the turtle under me. His eyes cracked open to look up at me. "I need the water," his arm moved to let me up.

     "Are you feeling better?" he asked in a quiet voice and I nodded. I felt the weighted blanket slip off of me as I sat up.

     "Thank you," I gave him a small smile. "I hope I didn't make you too uncomfortable. I tried my best not to touch your shell," I took a few sips of the water after I spoke.

     "It would have been okay if you did," Don replied in that gentle voice like he was scared I would fall back into my silence if he spoke the wrong way. "It just seemed like you needed to hold someone."

     "Do you need anything?" I asked carefully. "I wanna make up for it. I don't usually act like that in front of people."

     "You don't need to give me anything in return," he assured me. "You've already given me somewhere to stay and you feed me. I wanted to give you someone to lean on because I never did."

     "I'm sorry," I gave Don a sympathetic look and he brushed it off.

     "It isn't your fault," he told me. "You don't need to apologize for other people's actions."

     "I'm sorry, it's just force of habit," another apology slipped out of my lips. "It was nice of you to push aside your boundaries to help me feel better, Don," I put my bottle back where I found it. "Are you sure you don't need anything in return?"

     "It's not a necessity, but I do like when you scratch my chin or pet my shell," his face seemed to morph into shyness at his admittance. Gods, he could be so adorable. I had to admit, the chirrs brought me a sense of comfort as well. This would also be the perfect time to exact my revenge.

     I knew how he reacted to my nails on his bare shell, it was like overstimulation for him. It wasn't something he expressed a hatred for, either, and I had his consent for it. I laid on my back with my head turned to the TV innocently, patting my belly for the turtle to rest on.

     The weighted blanket was underneath me and away from the mutant who seemed to pay no mind to it. He took his place with his head facing the TV as well. Ah, he was playing right into my revenge plan.

     My hand moved to rest on top of his shell and I felt the chill run up his body as the contact. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I was sure the mutant was fine with the small touch.

     I lifted my hand carefully, trailing my nails down the middle of his shell and a hitched breath left the turtle. He raised his head and glanced at me with his glowing yellow eyes. I turned to him with an innocent smile and his eyes narrowed in a squint. The innocent look was much like the one he gave me before he littered me with hickeys.

     I continued the motion a few times, enjoying the churring that left him and his face burrowed into the sweater that covered my stomach. His tail was wagging and a smile grazed my lips. It was only a light sway at the moment, but I knew the longer I continued, it would become quicker.

     I let my hand drag along a little heavier and a whine escaped his lips. Yep, putty in my hands. I held in my chuckle as I continued the pressure along his shell. He had no way to hide from it; he was so much more sensitive without the protection of the weighted blanket.

     "So cute," I murmured at his sporadically wagging tail. "Don't you know how adorable you are?" I whispered to the turtle as he released another whine. Wait, no, no, that was not a whine.

     "What was that Don?" my voice teased the turtle who tried to hide himself in the sweater. My hand paused in its motion and the turtle looked up at me. His brows were creased and his eyes were filled with desperation. Oh, gods, that look.

     "Please," he whimpered out. Oh, no. What are you doing to me? "Please," his voice was so quiet. my nails raked against his shell once more and a whine shuddered out of him, completely unhidden as his head was still raised to look at me. His cheeks darkened at the sound before quickly being buried back into my belly.

     These sounds were my weakness, and I loved hearing them escape the normally cold turtle. I found it hard to focus on the TV as he continued whining into my stomach. His hands had risen to clutch the sweater I wore while his tail wagged and twitched. Seeing the turtle so submissive was the perfect revenge for him. I knew how much power meant to him, so this was just beautiful.

     I heard it again, that soft, muffled moan that escaped him before he tried to nuzzle further into my stomach. He was embarrassed by his own noises and it was so adorable. Oh, this was so fun to experience.

     "What a good boy," I muttered to him as my hand ran up his shell, a shaky breath escaped him. "So good, aren't you?" I teased him quietly as he whined again. He couldn't answer, not in this state. He couldn't trust his own voice enough to speak.

     "Just let me know when you want me to stop, okay?" I didn't want to continue if the mutant didn't want me to. He was nice to me, I would be nice to him. . . sort of. He nodded into my stomach to let me know he understood.

     I tried my best to focus back on the TV while I continued to pet Don's exposed shell as I waited for him to be done with enjoying it. His small whines started dying down and his tail slowed and one of his hands gingerly reached for mine. I raised my hand from his shell, allowing him to sit up and look away from me with an embarrassed expression.

     I got off the weighted blanket and offered it to him and he took it gratefully. He didn't wrap it around himself just yet, not wanting anything to touch his soft shell as he tried to let it have a break.

     "Can you say that again?" he asked me and I looked at him curiously as I tried to figure out what he meant. He refused to look at me or clarify what he meant. "Please?" his plead was quiet.

     "What a good boy?" I asked and I saw the chill run up his back. I smiled as I realized the power I still held over him. "You are such a good boy," I tested the line and the mutant buried his face in his hands, the TV reflecting the flush on his cheeks.

     This was my mutant, a turtle that wanted to kill me the first day we met. He was putty in my hands when he let himself be, and he had a praise kink. Oh, dear gods did I like this turtle. It might just be me and him now, but I think I was okay with that.

     Word Count: 1,360. I swear I don't like writing submissive men, he said without a hint of sarcasm.

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