. . .and Find Out

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     My eyes stayed trained on the lavender-haired girl, Kendra. She deserved to be taught a lesson, and how glorious it would be for her to die by my hand after hurting my human.

     She rolled her eyes, clearly not seeing me as a threat. While it was true she was able to hack my normal tech, I didn't really use it anymore. I was still training with the new upgrade that allowed me to make mystic tech, but I didn't quite have control of it yet.

     Mist swarmed around me, something that came with my new powers. I slammed my Bo Staff to the ground, the mist flowing out around us, giving me and Y/n a form of cover.

     I could see through it perfectly fine, but Kendra and her goons couldn't. "Shelldon, ray," I gave the simple order to the drone, his eyes swapping to red to show he was in his fighting mode.

     "Don?" my human asked anxiously, their hands grabbing onto my arm. "Can we please just go?" my gaze softened at the sight of my nervous human. I wanted to fulfill their wish, but the Dragons needed to pay first.

     I glanced between them and the tech clique. "Can you wait outside, love? I promise I won't be long," Y/n nodded and I pressed a kiss to the top of their head. If I remembered correctly, and I almost always did, Shelldon's ray took about five minutes to charge completely.

     "I feel I should tell you," my grip readjusted on the Bo Staff. "I don't take too kindly to people who hurt my human," a purple hue glowed around the staff, an array of weapons forming behind me.

     I side-stepped to avoid the fist that swung at me, wrapping my fingers around the thin wrist that belonged to Kendra. I let out a snort, twisting her arm behind her back, enjoying the grunt of discomfort as I pulled it further and further from where it was meant to be. My effort earned a scream and a satisfying pop of her arm dislocating.

     "Why are you idiots just standing there?" the girl shouted through her pain, a smirk growing on my lips at how pathetic she sounded. Another body began to emerge from the mist, earning a thwack from my Bo Staff.

     "I thought Dragons were stronger than this," my voice came out teasingly. "And smarter," I slammed the Staff down, sharp mystic knives piercing themselves deep into the wimpy body that was once Jase.

     "No!" huh, Kendra really did care about him. I let out a hum, watching the girl try to crawl over to the boy before I kicked the body away from her. I crouched before the girl, forcing her to look at me.

     "You won't ever hurt Y/n again," my eyes pierced into hers, dark and serious. "I would say you'll join him, but I think you'll be in two very different places in the afterlife."

     "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I dropped her face, but she kept her head up with a glare of her own.

     "I'm just someone who would do anything for my human. I'm here to make sure no one ever hurts them again," I glanced at my gauntlet. Not too much longer now. I could finish Kendra off on my own, but Jeremy would be a challenge. Shelldon would deal with him.

     "Jeremy, do something!" Kendra shouted into the fog where I could see the larger male frozen in fear. I looked at Kendra with a victorious smirk.

     "Looks like I win," I brought the Staff down on her and she let out a scream that was music to my ears. I heard it again and again and again with each thump. 

     "Ray 100% charged. Ready to fire," Shelldon confirmed after the five minutes passed.

     "Your target is Jeremy. Permission to fire," my eyes shifted from the bloodied Kendra to the cowering male who no doubt heard my orders. I almost let out a laugh at the sight of the ray being shot at the boy.

     "And the lonely Dragon still stands," I mused as the lavender-haired girl swayed as she stood on her feet, no doubt going to try and make a run for it. I swiped my Bo Staff and a mystic blade cut into her calf, a shriek echoing out.

     "No one fucks with my human," I grabbed one of the hovering blades, slowly stepping closer to Kendra. "Because there are consequences," I plunged the mystic blade into her stomach, eyes dark as they glared into hers. The markings on my cheeks illuminated hers, as she coughed up blood.

     They fucked around and they found out, simple as that. No one touches or even dares to hurt Y/n or they would surely meet the same fate. The glowing on my body died down and the mystic weapons faded, and my Bo Staff faded to its normal form.

     I stepped out of the arena, Shelldon following in his passive form so he wouldn't scare Y/n. "Don!" Y/n rushed over to me, looking over me for injuries.

     "I'm okay, love," I placed a hand on their cheek, taking in the loving expression they looked up at me with. "I wouldn't say the same for those Dragons, however," I kept their eyes on me so they wouldn't try to glance into the arena. "You ready to go?" they nodded sleepily.

     "Wait," Y/n stopped me before I could offer them a piggyback home. "I got this for you," they pulled out a small piece of cardboard with two pairs of earrings clipped onto it. "These ones are yours," they pointed to the moon set, the others were suns.

     "Y/n, I can't wear earrings," I reminded them. They shook their head with a small grin.

     "We can clip them onto your mask. They compliment the stars on the charm you made me just like how we compliment each other," Y/n explained sweetly. "C'mere," I crouched down to let them clip the earrings onto the tails of my mask, listening to their soft humming as they did so.

     "There we go," my human pulled back with a proud smile. "Perfect," they stayed quiet for a moment. "Thank you, Don. I don't deserve you."

     "I think someone told me one time that everyone deserves someone," I replied, nuzzling my nose against theirs, a smile growing on my lips. "Let's go home. C'mon," I patted my shell to offer them a piggyback.

     Y/n was more than excited to accept the ride, seeing as I told them I would only let them do it once. Not even halfway home, I heard their quiet snores and felt their head burrow into my neck and I couldn't help the smile and warmth that spread across my face.

     I loved this human with every part of me.

     Word Count: 1,144. Okay, to people not in my server, one of the things that didn't make it into the book is Y/n found a stray kitten that Don and them named Pumpkin Spice, just Pumpkin for short. Enjoy! Also, more art kattystripes14 did of Don with the earrings:

 Enjoy! Also, more art kattystripes14 did of Don with the earrings:

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