Unnecessary Visits

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     The space between me and Y/n slowly decreased as I was subconsciously seeking out their warmth once more. It was definitely the turtle DNA and not a strange need for their contact.

     Thankfully, the young adult didn't seem to have anything against the closeness. Or I hoped they didn't. My heart silently hated the idea of me forcing contact with Y/n.

     From time to time, their hand would accidentally brush against my soft shell, and each time I hated it less and less. When did I start feeling this safe around humans again? Was it only this human? I think so.

     If this is how the next week of my fake sickness would be, I would quite enjoy it. While my head rested against Y/n's stomach, I couldn't help but think of that soft smile and the way they told me they were proud. I couldn't help but think about what else I could do to earn their praise.

     Another shudder ran up my shell at the contact while Y/n shifted. They seemed to slowly catch on to the sudden hitch in my breathing at the contact and they quickly apologized.

     "I'm not making you uncomfortable, right?" they adjusted to look at me with their brows stitched together in concern. I shook my head at their question. It was weird to have my guard down for so long, to act so soft, but it seemed to win me more of Y/n's trust.

     "I don't mind," I breathed out quietly, afraid my voice would fail if I spoke any louder. Normally, spiny softshells grew aggressive when their shells were touched, but that was not the case for me. It was just a very sensitive spot that would more or less turn me into putty.

     The accidental touches became gentle, I guess, petting? Stroking just didn't seem like the proper word in this case. I tried to ignore the churring vibrating in my throat, hiding my face as I felt myself flush in embarrassment. I knew Y/n knew that I was enjoying their touch.

     My fingers curled around the fabric of the hoodie they were wearing to try and disappear without actually escaping their petting motion. This was just through the weighted blanket; what would it feel like without it?

     A shuddering sigh escaped my lips and I cringed at the shaky noise. Had Y/n heard that? I tried to slowly move to peek at their expression, but their eyes seemed glued to whatever was playing. I had lost track of the channel that was on, my brain too distracted by the feeling of their fingernails slowly and gently trailing up and down my shell.

     I didn't bother trying to glance at the TV, instead hiding as another breath hitched in my throat. Oh, what are you doing to me? If things couldn't get worse, I could feel the gentle swaying of my tail and all I could hope was that Y/n wouldn't notice.

     What wishful thinking that was. Not even a moment passed before they glanced over at me and it immediately caught their eye. "What's up, Don?" their voice was playful as they continued that petting motion with their eyes glued to my swaying tail and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

     They paused for a moment from their motion, watching my tail gradually slow down at the lack of touch. The only reason they knew about the wagging was they had noticed the appendage and offered to cut a hole into the old sweatpants to make it more comfortable for me. I now regretted letting them do that.

     I whined into the sweater at the teasing, and definitely not from missing their touch. I was not a softie. I would be feared, I swear. My whine stuttered at the petting resuming, making me burrow my face even deeper.

     This was such a conflicted feeling. Wanting them to stop, but at the same time, I didn't. I knew the moment I said I was uncomfortable, they would put an end to it. That would be a lie. I was enjoying the feeling too much and it might even be enough to make me forget why I'm here.

     I was supposed to be making them dependent on me, not the other way around. This 'sick' act was getting in my way, but I didn't want this to stop. Could we stay this way forever? Could we just be morally grey? Could we just live in the background and never be bothered again?

     I knew that would never be; that was a happily ever after, something I was denied my whole life. I wasn't living in some fairytale. But, that wouldn't stop me from enjoying a moment with this human. Until there was a knock at the door.

     My eyes looked up at the human pathetically. Did they really have to answer the door? Can't we just stay like this? Please? Y/n seemed to think the same, letting out a deep sigh that was hoping whoever was there would leave.

     "I have a spare key, you know," an irritating voice called through the door that seemed to make Y/n panic. They were still trying to hide the fact April was their friend, how sweet.

     "I don't want to get you sick," the human called back in hopes it would make their friend retreat.

     "I'm coming in," the girl refuted. She really didn't listen ever, did she? I pouted at Y/n as they shifted to sit up properly before going to answer the door.

     "April, you can't just walk in," I heard Y/n warn their 'friend.' I wanted them to myself, why was April ruining it? I sat up, resting my chin on the back of the couch while I watched the two by the door.

     The door was open wide enough so I could see the dark-skinned girl talking as animated as she always had. She had too much energy for me. Y/n was so mellow when it was the two of us just watching TV, and I liked that.

     "You have never skipped a class even when you're sick. What's really going on?" I listened in on their conversation, something I found amusing.

     "Nothing is 'going on,'" Y/n made air quotes at April. "I don't know what I have and don't want to spread it. For all I know, I could have what Donatello is sick with and I don't know what exactly that is."

     "And you think being cooped up with him is gonna make either of you better?" April crossed her arms. Well, sure it was. We were both doing just fine before you showed up. My eyes narrowed and she seemed to pick up on me watching them.

     Her voice had lowered significantly and her eyes kept shifting from me to Y/n. It didn't take much convincing from Y/n, AKA my glare I held on April the whole time, for the dark-skinned girl to agree that Y/n should stay home. No doubt she knew I was scheming, she had no reason to doubt that, but Y/n didn't need to know.

     "That was easier than usual," I slipped back down into a laying position before Y/n spun on their heel. "Um, you need anything to eat, Don?" something about hearing that nickname from them made me happy. Only people who were special could call me something other than my full name, and Y/n earned that privilege.

     "I'm okay," I responded loud enough for them to hear. They hummed in response, coming back with another water bottle for me. I couldn't remember the last time I was this hydrated. Y/n was so good to me even though they knew I wasn't good. It always left me wondering why.

     Word Count: 1,293. For my sake, we're going to pretend that turtle's tails wag when they're happy and not just when they're shitting/mating. I mean. . . maybe the mating part makes a little sense, uh, enjoy!

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