Know Fear/No Fear

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        ~No one's POV~

     It didn't take long before all the lights in the house were out. It was late, after all, Y/n was walking home at about ten at night. Donnie, however, did not care for sleeping in this stranger's house. He heard the young adult mutter a 'goodnight' through the door before the bedroom beside him clicked shut.

     Most humans took about twenty minutes to fall asleep, the mutant hoped they would be the same. He would peek at his phone as he timed himself, readying for his attack.

     Fifteen minutes in, he was losing his patience. As quietly as he could, Donnie opened the door to the room he was staying in and slipped out. He crept to Y/n's room, cracking their door open and peering in. The human was laying in their bed, holding a plush close to their chest and burying their face into the head of the plushie.

     Their breathing was slow and even; they looked peaceful. Donnie didn't care for that. He stepped further into the room, looking down at the resting human. The clawed legs of his battle shell extended out slowly before reaching out and clamping onto the human's wrists.

     Y/n lurched from their peaceful state, eyes wide as they struggled to break free from the spider shell. There it was; that look of fear everyone shared at the sight of the mutant. He loved that look. He wanted people to be scared.

     "Donnie?" the nickname accidentally slipped from the young adult's lips earning a harsh glare from the turtle. They weren't allowed to call him that, no one was going to call him that again. The grip of the claws tightened as the sleepy human realized their error. "Donatello? What's going on?"

     Their squirming lessened, confusing the turtle greatly. Why didn't they seem scared anymore? How were they so calm? "Why aren't you scared?" Donnie spouted out without another thought. "You should be scared."

     "I am," Y/n admitted as the claws of the shell dug into their skin. Their words made no sense. They said they were scared, but they weren't showing it. Were they lying to him?

     "I have the upper hand here," Donnie narrowed his eyes at the human. "I could kill you easily," he informed them. He didn't plan on killing the young adult, not at that moment at least.

     "I know," they said shortly. It was frustrating the mutant to see the human act so careless. They're all the same, they're all the goddamn same. His hand shot forward, wrapping around the human's neck.

     Y/n's eyes widened once more, looking more afraid than before. They knew he wasn't joking, and he loved the new sense of fear the human felt. His hand tightened a bit as he tested what the human would do. Would they fight back? Or would they accept this as their fate?

     It was intriguing to watch the human fight against the claws of his tech to try and reach for his wrist to pry his hand away. This human valued their life, Donnie would tell. Watching them struggle brought him a new sense of pride; people would learn to fear him.

     He was brought back by the wheezing breaths of the human, making him realize how much tighter his hand and become around their neck. He let go and the claws retracted with him as he took a step back. Donnie watched the young adult shoot up, greedily taking in breaths of fresh air and holding their delicate neck.

     Y/n's eyes darted up to look at Donnie who grinned proudly at the sight. Their eyes were filled with fear and nervousness. They didn't utter a single word to the mutant who observed their struggle. Donnie liked the sense of power he had over this meek human; he could use that.

     Every mad scientist needed an assistant, right? Y/n was the perfect test subject, in more ways than one. He could experiment on them as well as keep them to be his assistant. It was an entertaining thought, all he needed was the human's compliance and consent. One would be easier to earn than the other.

     Certainly, there would be bruising where Donnie had gripped the human's neck, but that was the least of his concerns. Y/n seemed like a smart enough person to figure out how to cover them up. April mentioned their love for science and technology, so they had to have some brains.

     Without another word, Donnie walked out of the room. He made his message clear enough; he was the stronger one, he held the power here. The mutant loved the look of fear in the human's eyes, it overpowered any sense of justice he had ever felt.

     Was this what it felt like to be a villain? Feeling this powerful despite having an obvious weakness? Maybe Donnie wouldn't mind being a bad guy, it felt a hell of a lot better than being one of the good guys. Plus, he had a new acquaintance that would be perfect for his new line of work.

     Word Count: 845. Shorter chapter, but enjoy!

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