Making Promises

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        ~Raph's POV~

     He said he would be right home. Why wasn't he home? Where was Leo? After everything that's happened, did I lose him, too? Was I. . . alone?

     No, no, please. Don't leave me alone. Raph can't do this alone. My fist slammed into the punching bag, sending it across the room. Whoa. . . This wasn't good.

     Deep breaths, Raph. Deep breaths. Keep yourself under control. Just don't think about how. . . alone you are. No. Raph. . . Alone? I have to find Leo. Keep it together just a little longer, Raph.

     Retrace your steps, that's how you'll find him. I took another deep breath, heading back to the surface to try and find where my little brother disappeared to.

     Just a little longer.

        ~Mikey's POV/Dream~

     Something was very wrong. What am I running from? Why couldn't I stop running?

     I skidded to a stop in front of a familiar building, my eyes tracing all the way up it to the sign on top. Why was I at Big Mama's Hotel? What brought me here? Why was no one else around?

     Right, take a deep breath, keep moving. I stepped into the hotel, glancing around for any sign of life and a single bellhop came into view. Could I speak to him without getting in trouble with the spider yokai?

     I tried to speak up, but couldn't seem to find my voice, and the bellhop seemed to notice me. No use running away, he waved a hand to beckon me to follow.

     We entered the lift and it took us up to the sporting lounge. He guided me to a single orb, motioning for me to sit and enjoy the fight before he headed back into the elevator.

     Reluctantly, I took a seat, eyes straining to focus on the fight. There was something familiar about the shredded red scarf and mask, glowing yellow eyes with no pupils, and a snaggle--

     "Raph!" I shouted even though he wouldn't be able to hear me. I became anxious, more than I ever had been. My fingers were shaking, my breaths were struggling to come out. I felt like I was suffocating.

     "No, Raph!" I shot up, eyes looking to the door that swung open and a concerned Y/n and Don entered.

     "Mikey, what's the matter?" Y/n stepped in first, brows pinched together. "Was it a nightmare?"

     "Big Mama has Raph!" I felt like I was still dreaming. I could just feel it in my gut. Something bad happened. Something really bad.

     "Mike, it was just a dream," the human tried to comfort me once more, sitting on the edge of the bed, putting a careful hand onto one of mine that was clutching the blanket.

     "No, no," I shook my head, tears pricking my eyes. "No, something bad happened. Please, D, we need to look," I looked at my big brother with pleading eyes. 

     "Okay," he nodded, "if it makes you feel better, we can go check," Don agreed to it as he walked up to me. "Why do you think Big Mama has our big brother?" hearing that title come from Don almost made me cry.

     He still saw Raph as his big brother? I sucked in a breath before explaining my dream to him the best I could remember, being sure to include that it wasn't just 'Raph,' he was 'Savage Raph.'

     That was a serious state; it only happened if he was left alone for too long without knowing when someone would be back. Don looked a bit more concerned, taking a step back and biting down on his lip.

     "All right," he glanced down in thought. It concerned me to see Don looking. . . upset. He looked guilty, and that was a weird expression to see on his face.

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