Come On Swords, It's Portal Time

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     Was this the worst thing I could have done? In my book, not by a long shot, but in other's. . . well, probably. I was trying to find a way to transport Leo's body back to the home I shared with Y/n and Mikey, but I didn't really have much of a hiding place for it.

     All of the rooms had a use, but the least entered one was the laundry room. Could I hide it in there? I could just tell Y/n that I can take on the responsibility of cleaning their clothes along with me and Mikey's gear.

     I couldn't exactly drag his body around the Hidden City and around topside. . . Would I be able to control portals with his sword? I mean, how hard could it be?

     It was a surprise that the blade was still there. There were usually hundreds of thieves wandering the streets here. Okay, deep breath. If I tap into that weird glowing thing, would it make it easier?

        ~Specter Leo POV~

     What was he doing back here? Better question, why was I still here? Was it because I was holding a grudge? Was it because no one had come to put me to a peaceful rest? Whatever the reason, I was still here, trapped beside my own corpse.

     My twin crouched down to observe my unmoving body, his face almost looking. . . remorseful. He muttered something, patting the plastron before standing straight and glancing around.

     Donnie leaned down, picking up my sword and inspecting it. There was dried blood on it, it was my own. Donnie's fingers traced down it before he pointed it at the empty alley.

     I watched him swirl it, trying to form a portal. What is this dork doing? I watched as he tried once more. He let out a frustrated groan, fingers tightening on the odachi before he sat down and breathed deeply.

     "How do you do it, 'Nardo? Damn, I really didn't give you the credit you deserve," he let out a dry laugh. "I could really use you right now. . . I want to make things right again. I can't be the bad guy anymore."

     I rested my hand on the blade, the encryptions glowing slightly at my touch, confusing me and Donnie. I pulled my hand away and the symbols faded away.

     "Leo?" I wanted so badly to say 'I'm here!' It was that big brother urge to let him know I was there for him. I put my hand back onto the odachi, seeing Donn-- Don's face light up. 

     If he was gonna try for me, it's only fair I try for him. "Leo, I need your help making this portal. I don't know if I'm crazy or if you're really here, but please," Don stood up and I followed his motion.

     I held onto the hilt of the sword, my hand passing through his. I let my hand guide him the best it could, the sparks forming as a gateway attempted to appear. 

     "Come on, portal," I snickered at the all too familiar sentence escaping my twin's mouth. I guided the sword again, same result. "Come on," third time's the charm.

     A glowing blue portal reflected on us and I could almost see a sparkle in Don's eye. Even I was surprised the portal was blue and not purple. My younger twin looked back at my body, being careful as he tried to lift it.

     "All right, let's go home," he carried the body through the portal and I followed after curiously, not like I had a choice. I needed to stay with my body.

     The area the portal led to was welcoming, yet empty. No one was home, or it seemed that way at least. He walked to the furthest room on the left side and entered it.

     A laundry room? I gazed around curiously, taking in the surroundings of the home. Is this where Don had been staying? I guess this is why he didn't want to come back to the lair.

     Just thinking about this being where Y/n stayed would have made a chill run down my spine. Why had they killed April? What led up to that? Did she even deserve it?

     She tried to make us see Don differently than we wanted to. She was the one that said his gifts and ways of expressing himself weren't normal. I knew Don wasn't normal, but that never bothered me. He was my twin, we're family.

     "Sorry if it's a little cramped," Don said to my body. "This is the only place I could think of. I might need to put a lock on the door though," he hummed. "Hopefully Y/n won't notice."

     I sat on the ground, enjoying the strange warmth I felt in the home. How could I feel? I was a ghost. . . I guess Mikey was right about them existing. "I'm not sure how this will work. I don't know if I can fix you, but I need to try. Just. . . please don't be too mad when you wake up, okay?"

     Since when did Don say please or apologize so much? Did Y/n really change him that much? Were they not a heartless killer who murdered April and manipulated Don?

     "I mean, I could try and build a replica cyborg of you and try and fuse your soul into it. That might be easier than trying to repair an actual body," he continued to think out loud.

     I placed my hand on the sword, watching it glow as I tried to test out a way to communicate with him. He seemed to notice it pretty quickly, stepping back, but I kept my hand there. He sat on his knees before it and I pulled away.

     "That's you, isn't it, Leo?" I brushed along the blade as a 'yes.' And so, for an hour or so, that was how I communicated with my younger twin, two blinks for no, one for yes. Up until his phone began to ring and he left in a rush, almost forgetting to close the door behind him.

     Word Count: 1,027. Wow, an early update. The server was cackling as we tried to figure out where the hell Donnie would store Leo's body while he tried to figure out how to 'repair' it, or bring Leo back to life. Well, enjoy!

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