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        ~Normal POV~

     I got out of the shower feeling so much more refreshed. I felt so clean, it was amazing. I got dressed in a large purple hoodie and a pair of boxers, my hair wrapped up in a towel while I brushed my teeth and looked over myself.

     I hummed to myself as I stepped out of the bathroom and unraveled the towel as I dried it as I walked. Donnie looked caught up in his thoughts, staring, more like glaring, at the ground in front of him.

     "You all right, Don?" I spoke up, catching the boy's attention. His eyes drifted over me, his focus being on the purple hoodie I was in. Oh, shit, yeah purple was his color. "I can go change if you want."

     "No," his response was quick and his eyes flickered up to my face. He didn't say anything else, he just stared at me intently. My fingers picked at the sleeves of the sweater as he continued to watch me as I sat on the arm of the couch. I couldn't tell what was going on in his mind, and I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

     I flipped through random channels to keep myself distracted from Donnie's gaze. He seemed to have zoned out while watching me, and I was worried what he was thinking about.

        ~Donnie's POV~

     My color. Mine. They had no idea what it did to me. I couldn't take my eyes off of them. Purple was my thing, they were my thing. That color showed it more than any bruises or markings I could leave on them. They showed off that they were mine.

     They had no idea they were doing it, but that didn't matter. If I could just get them to wear purple to class or have some sort of purple bauble, maybe a phone charm. It would be a way to let April know I was winning.

     Phone charms were easy to make seeing as I used to customize my brothers' and my phone, and I suppose April's as well. I could do it now, present it to them like a thank you gift for taking care of me. I stood up and they looked back over at me with concern on their face.

     "Something the matter?" Y/n asked and I shook my head.

     "I'm fine. I just want to make something for you," I admitted, wanting for it to seem innocent.

     "Oh, you don't have to," the human tried to brush it off. How sweet. I stepped away anyway, heading to the room they let me use. There was a small pouch in the battle shell that held onto a few spare bits and smaller tools.

     I worked silently, something I had to get used to. In my old lab, I had been able to listen to music as I pleased without worrying about disturbing anyone. Then again, I didn't care if my music annoyed my brothers. This little charm would have been perfect to put the tracking device into, it was tiny enough.

     I opened the door as silently as possible, peering around the corner to see where Y/n was. I knew their bag was kept in their room, so I just needed to slip in and out of there and place it in my new creation. I noticed them cuddled up on the couch, enthralled with whatever was playing.

     I tiptoed out of my room and into theirs, hand digging through the bag till I felt the small device still stuck in an inside pocket. I pulled it out, staring at the small device before sneaking back out of the room. I sat down at my desk once more, pulling my goggles down to make sure there was nothing wrong with the device before pulling it apart to stick the actual tracker into the charm.

     It was nothing special, really, just a few purple stars attached to a string that could loop through Y/n's phone case. I looked at it with a smile, it would be perfect for them. I thought of the other stars being red and blue to really sell that they were mine, but I think the purple would get the point across to April.

     I picked the charm up gently, leaving the room to offer it to my human. Y/n perked back up when I caught their eye and I sat on the couch beside them. "Did you finish already? Or did you need a break?"

     "I finished," I showed off my little creation to the young adult. They took it carefully like they were afraid it would break apart in their grasp. I watched Y/n's expression as they examined the small charm.

     "It's so cute. I love it," a smile graced their features and they reached forward to pick up their phone. They took off the case so they could loop it around to attach it before slipping the case back on. "Now I have a little you to bring around with me!"

     A proud grin crossed my face. They had no idea this was all part of my plan. I had no doubt April would flip out at the new accessory the human was going to be carrying around. I almost wanted to laugh as I imagined the face April would make when they saw it. Everything was going so perfectly, and Y/n had no clue.

     Word Count: 901. I'm having coffee so I'll probably get quite a few chapters out. I kinda like how this one turned out, so enjoy!

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