A Date?

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        ~Normal POV~

     I woke up to a mewl as a cat hopped up onto my and Don's bed and rubbed against me. "Hi, Pumpkin," I cooed and raised a hand to pet the kitten who purred loudly at the contact.

     "And hello to you, too," I said to my mutant who nuzzled into my neck as he let out a small chirr at my warmth. "You hungry?" the kitten whined in response and Don nodded against me.

     I shifted to stand and Don pulled me tighter against his plastron. "Don, I can't get food if you don't let me get up," he groaned but didn't let go. "Don, at least let me feed Pumpkin Spice," his arms released me and I stood, the kitten immediately jumping down and running for the door.

     "There ya go, kitty," I petted the fluffy cat as it ate up to wet food. "Okay, what about you, Don?" he didn't answer, only flopping over my shoulder like I would do to him while he worked.

     "Actually, I was hoping we could go out," he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around my waist again. "I saw a new shop while I was bringing you home last night. I think it was called. . . 'Fire and Icing'?" he snorted at the name. "Wanna check it out?"

     "Sounds cute," I smiled. "Yeah, lemme get changed first and we can go," Don reluctantly let go, dropping into a chair at the table. I put on a pair of leggings, pants are too uncomfortable, and an oversized hoodie.

     "Ready!" I smiled as I came out of the room showing off the lilac hoodie with rainbow bunny ears stitched onto the sides of the hood. Don let out a soft coo at the sight of the hoodie before standing to get ready to leave.

     "C'mon," he held out his hand for me to grab onto. With a bounce in my step, I bounded over to my mutant and latched onto him gently. During the walk, I glanced into shops that we passed, noticing a cat hoodie inside one of the windows. 

     "Don, look," he paused in his stride, glancing at the window I pointed into. "We should get it. Can I get it for you?" I rocked on my heels excitedly. "Please?"

     "Y/n, you just bought me the earrings," he started gently. "You don't need to spend more money on me."

     "But I want to," I pouted up at him. "Please?" he melted and gave in, letting me tug him into the store with confidence I wouldn't normally have. It was pretty empty seeing as it was decently early in the morning.

     Hanging up in the shop was the same cat hoodie, but in a purple shade; Don's color. "See? It's perfect for you," I smiled, checking the price tag and cringing a bit. Nope, still worth it. Probably.

     I grabbed it and headed to the register where a tired girl was standing, leaning boredly against the desk. "Is that all for today?" I nodded to her with a small grin as she told me my total.

     I paid and we left with me practically begging Don to change into the hoodie in a passing alley. "Okay, for you," he sighed with a smile as we ducked into the alley, me keeping watch to make sure no one would see.

     "Awww," I cooed and Don shot me a warning look.

     "Don't say it," he raised an accusing finger and I gave him an innocent smirk.

     "You're. . ." I tested slowly and Don raised a brow. ". . .cu--" he slapped his hand over my mouth to stop me and my laugh muffled under it. "Okay, okay. To Fire and Icing."

     Don took the lead again, taking me to the. . . bakery? Coffee shop? I wasn't sure. Neither of us had been there, so I wasn't sure what exactly it was. He pushed the door open, pausing as he entered.

     "Oh, you're joking," I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

     "What's wrong?" I glanced up at him with concern before glancing to the front of the shop where there were two people with flames atop their heads.

     "I know these guys," Don was ready to spin on his heel and leave until I pouted up at him. "Love, there's a Dunkin down the street where we can get coffee and sweets."

     "But it's only them," my brows furrowed. "Aren't we supposed to support small businesses?"

     "Fine, but only because they aren't technically my enemies anymore," Don ruffled my hair and entered the shop fully. The two workers glanced at Don with caution and confusion.

     Their gaze shifted from my mutant to me, making me suddenly feel nervous. They then looked at each other and shrugged, getting to work playing the part of people who actually liked their job.

     The larger man was telling us the daily deals and specials while the scrawny man backed him up and we eventually left with a dozen donuts and boba without the tapioca pearls, they screwed with my sensory issues.

     "It's been so long since I've had good boba," I hummed as I swallowed the drink. Before I could take another sip, Don took my wrist, guiding the drink to his own lips so he could taste it.

     "Mm, it's all right," he commented, slightly flustered at his actions. I bit my lips to keep from saying anything embarrassing for a couple of minutes while my own cheeks flushed pink.

     "So, aside from a run-in with the Foot, I would say this was a successful first date," Don smiled down at me and it made me think. We really hadn't been on a date before.

     "Yeah," I interlocked a pinky with Don, who held the donut box in his other hand. "It was fun. A new hoodie for you, plus sweets and good boba? It was perfect. Thanks, Don," I stood up on my tippy-toes to press a kiss onto his cheek.

     "You pretty much paid for everything, but, yeah. Anything for you, love," Don glanced down in the corner of his eye, trying to hide his pink cheeks.

     Word Count: 1,028. Okay, so my server pointed out that Don and Y/n hadn't been on, like, a proper first date, so this is it! Also, Fire and Icing was actually going to be a canon thing until the show got cut short. SO, enjoy!

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