The Neon Leon

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        ~Normal POV~

     When I got onto campus the next day, I felt like everyone was staring at me. Did they all witness my near meltdown yesterday? My cheeks reddened and I pulled my hood up over my head to hide.

     "Hello, fellow student," I tensed up. Was someone talking to me? I spun to see a boy in glasses and a basketball uniform. I didn't usually talk to sporty people, and this guy didn't look familiar at all.

     "Hi," I spoke slowly and nervously. "Do we know each other?"

     "No, no, sorry. I'm kind of new here," he apologized. "Um, everyone around seemed busy with their own thing, and you were on your own."

     "Well, if you ask around, I'm probably better being left alone. . . I'm not good with people," I looked away from him, arms wrapping around myself in a comforting hug.

     "No one is better off alone. . . Uh, I'm Leon," he stuck his hand out to me. Three fingers. . . Green skin. . . Nope, no, no. Abort mission. He pulled his hand away awkwardly when I didn't reach to shake it.

     "What's your name?" he tried to keep a smile on his face. He thought I was a weirdo just like everyone else. I didn't care. He had to have been one of Don's brothers, AKA, April's friend.

     "Y/n," I said shortly, observing the mutant cautiously. "I need to go now," I took a step back. "If you need someone to help you around who can deal with people, look for April O'Neil. Short, dark-skinned, and she has dual afro-buns. Can't miss her!"

     I walked away as quickly as I could, hoping he wouldn't try and stop me. As I entered the school, I saw Dale wearing a thick white cast and a sling to hold his arm in place. Had Don actually found him?

     When he looked up to see me, he took off down the hall. Yep, definitely Don's work. Had April still not gotten the message to leave me alone? I pulled out my phone and scrolled to Don's number. I thought it would be best to warn him his brother was here.

     I would feel so much better if he came to pick me up after class so I wouldn't deal with his brother alone. I didn't trust them. He more than willingly agreed to do so, which made it a little easier to focus on the lecture.

     "Yo, Y/n!" I winced as Leon shouted out to me and waved his hand to catch my attention. It was easy to spot him amongst the human students. "Hold up!"

     "Leon," I offered a fake smile, eyes darting around to try and spot Don. "What's up?"

     "I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out or something," he tried to act cool. My hand tightened on my bag, silently wishing Don would show up faster.

     "Actually, my boyfriend is coming to get me," I informed the mutant with a firm nod. "Yeah, he's gonna be here soon. He gets a bit. . . protective, so you should probably just go. Again, that April girl is really nice, I'm sure she'd love to hang with you."

     "Y/n," I held back a sigh of relief when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. Don's chin rested on my shoulder as he leaned forward. "Who's he?" I watched Leon tense up at whatever look Don was giving him.

     "Uh, Leon," I faked a smile. "Leon, this is Don. Don, Leon. We should really get going."

     "Mm," Don hummed out, his hands tightening around me when Leon didn't budge. Don took my hand and spun around, walking with me as we headed back home. "She's sending my brothers now. I'll be walking with you every day now to keep an eye out."

        ~Leo's POV~

     I had earned quite a few dirty looks from Donnie in my life, but never one that sent chills down my shell. It was so cold, so uncaring toward me. If looks could kill, I would be dead. He certainly looked like he wanted me dead.

     "Leo, what happened?" April jogged over, her class ended after Y/n's, so she missed the human completely.

     "Donnie was here," I looked from where the two had been to the dark-skinned girl. "And Y/n called him their boyfriend."

     "Boyfriend?" she echoed, completely unbelieving. "That can't be right. Y/n wouldn't date, never mind Donnie. Donnie doesn't feel anything."

     "Let me tell ya, he was not happy to see me," I placed a hand dramatically over my chest. "How cold, right? I'm his twin."

     "Leo, focus," April snapped her fingers at me. "What else happened? Did he threaten you or Y/n?" I shook my head.

     "No, and they left willingly with him," my browbones furrowed. "They seemed nervous until he showed up. Well, I mean, if you count a death stare as a threat, then I guess he did."

     "And you let them just go?" April crossed her arms.

     "I didn't want to make a scene!"

     "Since when do you not want to make a scene?" I glanced over my friend feeling rather offended by the question. I knew when to let something go. . . most of the time.

     "It wasn't a good time. I couldn't just fight Donnie and risk hurting Y/n," I retorted. "You said they live by a schedule? Let's find something in that schedule that can help us get them away from him."

     Word Count: 916. Woohoo! I had a Monster and I have a bit of motivation. I hope this chapter came out okay, so enjoy!

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