Trust is Earned, Not Given

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        ~No one's POV~

     What someone wouldn't give to get into the mind of Donatello. He was smart, cunning, but relied a bit too much on his tech. Y/n found that out the hard way. Their next day attending classes wasn't fun, especially with the number of questions April had regarding the mutant.

     "You're rubbing your neck a lot," she commented as the young adult raised a hand to rub at the sore area.

     "It's nothing," they brushed off. "Just slept funny last night," Y/n was determined to prove Donnie wasn't as bad as they made him out to be, despite the previous night's events.

     "Say the word and we'll help," April told her friend. So much for having her only human friend live a normal life. Currently, they were stuck with a 5'8 narcissistic mutant who had a need for praise.

     "I'll be fine, April," they spoke once more. Y/n needed to prove they could handle themself.

     Back in the apartment, Donnie was watching the blip on his tablet as well as listening in to the conversation. He wasn't dumb enough to blindly trust this human, opting to monitor them through the day from the safety of the lent room.

     He wore a smirk at the human lying for him. If anything, they were the stupid one. Certainly, they did not trust this turtle after knowing him for twelve hours or less. It was funny, really, it was quite amusing to Donnie.

     April was not giving up, relentlessly asking Y/n about what happened to their neck, only to be shut down every time. What almost set both Y/n and Donnie off was the girl asking to come over to the young adult's house after classes.

     "Oh, no, that's all right," Y/n was quick to deny April's request. "I don't think he would like that. He's getting used to my company still," they tried to justify their fast response. "Just give him some time."

     "Y/n," April started carefully, unsure of how her friend might react. "I don't think being alone with him is a good idea."

     "We don't really interact," they shook their head. "He stays in his room, I stay in mine."

     Donnie grinned to himself; the human refused to slip and let the little attack be told to their friend. Did they really trust April? Did Y/n trust anybody? Donnie would make them trust him. Donnie would be the only one they needed. Donnie was going to be the winner; he would be number one.

     When Y/n got home, there was no female human trailing after them. They entered the apartment that was just as quiet as it always was. They walked passed the door of Donnie's room, pausing in front of it.

     "Donatello?" they tried carefully, unsure if he was awake or would even respond to them. "I just wanted to ask what you wanted for food tonight," the boy on the other side of the door perked up. He would be fed every night? Just like that? No fighting or strings attached?

     "I wouldn't mind something homemade," he said, brows creasing at his own voice. Why was it so soft all of the sudden? There was silence outside the door as the young adult thought.

     "How does Omurice sound?" they offered. "I've been wanting to try making it for a while, and I've heard it's delicious. It should be pretty easy to--" they cut off their ramble. "I'll make it later tonight, I have some homework first," their footsteps receded into their room, the door closing quietly behind them.

     Y/n was like Donnie in a way; they would ramble on and on about something that interested them. Only, Y/n seemed to know how to stop themself if they thought they were annoying somebody, Donnie didn't.

     Y/n stuck to their word, making food for the both of them around seven at night. The smell of food cooking lured Donnie out of the lent room. He pulled the door open as quietly as he could, watching the smaller human cooking with music playing in their earbud. He couldn't hear it, but their head was bopping along with it.

     He stayed silent as he observed his subject. Despite his attack, they were still being nice. They didn't kick him out, and they were still providing him with food. Did they trust him?

     "I know you're there," Y/n's voice called out; they could feel the mutant staring at them intently. The meal for the two was almost ready, Y/n didn't turn back so they could keep the food from burning.

     "I'd hope so," Donnie said back. "Most people are more alert when keeping a stranger in their home. I'd go as far as to say: you don't trust me."

     "Trust is earned," they shot back at him, shoulders tensed as they struggled to focus on the food. "and you are far from earning it."

     "The same could go for you," Donnie said as he kept his gaze on Y/n. The only difference, the human had a decent way of trying to earn the mutant's trust, and it was almost working.

     "So, let's work on this," Y/n moved the hot food onto two plates. "You want my trust, I want yours. Sit," they placed the plates on the table, eyeing the mutant cautiously. "Let's talk."

     Word Count: 882. Another shorter one, but it's going all right, I think.


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