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        ~Normal POV~

     When we got to the market, I nearly froze. There were so many people. . . Why are there so many people? My arms crossed over my abdomen as I tried to make myself appear smaller. I didn't like this. I wanted to go home.

     A hand was placed on my shoulder and I glanced up to see Don looking down at me. "Everything okay?" I shook my head.

     "Too many people," he glanced around at the people wandering around the market. I was overly aware of the heavy breath that escaped the turtle while he thought.

     "Here," his hand enveloped mine and my gaze fixated on it. "Just focus on me. Pretend it's only us. Tell me what we need, and I can bring us to it," his thumb ran along the back of my hand in a soothing motion.

     "Bathroom supplies," I told him the first thing that came to mind. We were running low seeing as the both of us used it, and April had used plenty of it beforehand. Don grabbed a cart, pushing it along while keeping his hold on my hand.

     "Any kind? What do you like?" he asked as we walked through the aisle.

     "Anything but 3-in-1," I informed him. "Ooh, we could get some bubble bath, too. Maybe bath bombs," I started naming off different things that would be in the aisle. "We don't need to get girly scents. We can pick up the men's shampoo and stuff."

     Don let out a hum, picking up different things and placing them into the cart. "What else?"

     "Toothpaste, new toothbrushes. Paper goods," I rattled off a few more things in this section.

     "Done and done," Don hummed out.

     "Okay, we need more rice, chicken. . . what do you like to eat?" I asked the turtle.

     "I haven't had some good pizza in a while," he mused. "Do you think we could pick some up?" his voice sounded so soft when he asked that, like the idea of it brought good memories.

     "Yeah, of course," I smiled as I kept my focus on our hands like he asked. "What do you prefer?"

     "I like veggie. What about you?"

     "Cheese," it was a basic answer, but it was safe. "What if I picked up some veggies and we could make a half-veggie, half-cheese pizza?"

     "That sounds good," Don agreed with my suggestion. "C'mon," he continued to pull me along to find the goodies. This felt so normal. I wish we could always be like this.

     There wasn't much in the cart when I looked at it, but it would do for the two of us. Don led us back to the front of the market while I followed quietly. My eyes shifted up for the first time to see a sweet old lady working at the register.

     "What a sweet couple," she spoke up and I hid my face in Don's sweater. "How long have you been together? You seem very close," I felt my cheeks flare out of embarrassment and fear.

     "Oh, we're not. . ." Don paused as my fingers tightened around his hand. "Only a week. We've known each other for longer, though."

     "I remember my first week," she mused as she rang the items up. I hated the terrible beeping of each item being scanned. I wanted this to be finished and go home. I drowned out the woman's voice as she rambled on about her husband.

     "Hey," Don nudged me before nodding to the old lady who was reading out the total. I let go of his hand to grab my card to swipe and pay for everything.

     "Have a good day, dear," the old woman waved us off after we grabbed our bags. I kept my head down until we were a good distance away from the market, but I swore I could still feel stares on my back.

     "That wasn't so bad," Don smiled down at me. "Not a single comment from anyone. Told you I would protect you."

        ~Donnie's POV~

     What Y/n didn't have to know was the death stare I wore the whole time. Anyone who looked at them would be met with my glare. I was going to protect my human, I had made a promise.

     "You okay?" I adjusted my grip on the bags while looking down at Y/n, their face was flushed a light red.

     "You were gonna say we weren't dating but changed your mind," they murmured. "Why?"

     "Well, with my artwork being displayed for everyone to see, I didn't think I could," my gaze shifted from their face to the hickeys. Some were darker than others, even a healing shade of green was underneath the imprint my teeth had made.

     It would be a lie to say I didn't like hearing myself be referred to as their boyfriend. It meant no one would mess with them. "Is that okay? I'll deny it next time if the thought makes you uncomfortable."

     "It's okay," they quietly agreed. "I didn't mind it. Can you come shopping with me every Sunday?" I hummed in thought.

     "I don't see why not, Y/n. People won't mess with you as long as I'm around."

     Word Count: 868. Drinking coffee, but my brain is still drowsy Hoping to get better chapters out later, just waiting for my mind to wake up more. Enjoy!

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