Not Sorry

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     "Where's Y/n?" April spat at me, not amused with the old greeting.

     "Not feeling very nostalgic, are we?" I faked a pout. "They don't want to speak with you."

     "Bullshit. You're manipulating them," I let out a dramatic gasp at the accusation.

     "Gasp. How could you make such claims about me? I thought we used to be friends," I snickered at my less-than-cherished memories.

     "Used to," she echoed. "Not anymore. Let me talk to Y/n," she ordered and I rolled my eyes.

     "Again, Y/n does not want to speak with you," I informed the annoying girl. "They got it all out the other day when you fought. What a pure little human, huh? I can't wait to destroy them."

     "No!" April shouted at me and I held back my laughter. Oh, this was just too good. "Don't hurt them."

     "Hurt them?" I repeated. "Oh, I would never hurt them, not in the way you think at least. Ah, poor thing was so upset when they didn't see me this morning. Did you know they get attached easily?"

     Of course, I felt bad about causing their meltdown, but April didn't need to know that. No, Y/n was her weakness, so I was sure to use it against her.

     "This is between us. Leave them out of it," April warned me. She really thought something so simple would work? Not likely.

     "See? That's exactly why I need them," I tutted her. "They mean something to you. I can't just let them go like that," my human was such perfect blackmail without even knowing it. It made me wonder what I could get away with without making them suspicious. The one thought I couldn't push away is what they would look like with a knife to their throat. Gods, it would be so precious, wouldn't it?

     "Please," April sounded desperate and it intrigued me. "They didn't do anything wrong. They don't deserve this."

     "Dear April," I teased with a dark voice. "You haven't seen anything yet. Oh, there's so much I want to do to them, I just don't know where to start," I mused.

     "Don't you dare," she tried to sound threatening, she really did. But I wasn't scared, I had the upper hand, after all.

     "Or else what? They're already mine. Y/n is in the palm of my hand," my voice hardened. "And there is nothing you can do."

     I ended the call abruptly after that, enjoying the power I held over April and my human. Y/n was more than a pawn, they were much more valuable than that. If I was the king, they were well on their way to becoming the queen.

     "Did I miss anything important?" I asked Y/n gently as I reentered the room. Their attention was still stuck on the show making me certain they hadn't heard any of my conversation with April.

     "Yeah, some cool ranch Dorito entered this old man's mind and all his kids had to go into his mind to stop the guy," they explained the episode to me excitedly with a smile.

     "Did they stop him?" I sat beside them.

     "Yeah, and then he turned into a flaming hot Dorito and tried to beat them up, but he lost again from these really weird guys that shooting star came up with," I raised a brow in confusion at the plot, but they seemed to enjoy it. "Then he said he was gonna be watching them and he disappeared. I feel like I missed something."

     "Sounds like a funny show," I commented as they bounced happily in their seat. I liked how happy they were compared to earlier. "Do the bad guys always lose?" I wanted to know their opinion.

     "A lot of the time they do, and it's sad cause they deserve to have happy endings sometimes," they explained to me. "I like the stories where the hero and villain fall in love and they risk everything to be together. I don't understand love that much, but I think the idea of risking it all for it is sweet. Don't you?"

     "I think I know a thing or two about the concept," I smiled at them. "So, yes. It is a sweet idea," they nodded with my agreement on the subject before focusing back on the show that was playing.

     I was almost sorry for using them as payback. I needed my old family to understand the pain I felt with the years of teasing and how weak I felt compared to them. My human and I would prove them wrong. My call with April was just some calm before the storm, and Y/n wasn't at all prepared for what would happen.

     I wasn't just using Y/n anymore, I needed them, and it was evident they needed me. I would need to warn them about what would happen soon so I could train them for the battle, but I also needed to let them have this day for themself. Me and Y/n would be the perfect storm.

     Word Count: 838. Sorry to end my spree with a shorter chapter, but I am going to crash, so this is the best you'll get. Goodnight, and enjoy!

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