Spilling Truths

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        ~April's POV~

     Mikey slid back into the booth with a grin on his lips. The two were speaking quietly enough that we couldn't eavesdrop, so it was up to the box turtle to tell us what happened.

     "So?" I eyed him and he glanced at me to wait for me to continue. "Are you going to tell us what you talked about? Or are we just supposed to stay curious?"

     "He said he needs time," Mikey said shortly. That's it? That's all he's going to tell us?

     "Okay?" I tried to hint for him to continue.

     "Dr. Feelings has patient-doctor confidentiality," I groaned at Mikey's statement. The box turtle glanced back to his older brother, not looking worried in the slightest.

     "Mikey, most good plans get us more intel," I said slowly to him. "We need that intel," he crossed his arms and pouted, firm in not telling us anything they spoke about.

     I bit my lip to keep from saying anything I didn't mean, glancing back at Donnie. "Mikey, Donnie is--"

     "Don," I paused at the correction. "He likes Don."

     "Fine, Don isn't a good guy. Do you not remember when he made you guys those gifts? Or when Shelldon almost killed you? Or the brain experiments? Or--"

     "April," Raph's voice caught my attention. "Look, this is hard on all of us. But, I trust Mikey, even if he isn't spilling everything he knows. He's not as tense as he was before, he doesn't look as scared."

     Sure enough, his body language had changed a bit since we had been sitting here. The box turtle reached in and grabbed a slice of pizza, chewing it happily.

     "Fine," I huffed, resting my chin on my hand. The thought of the boy needing "time" is what was nerve-wracking, especially when we had no clue what he needed time to do. We stuck around for another half hour just eating and chatting, but when we left, Don stayed. No doubt he'd find a way to hang around till Y/n left.

        ~Normal POV~

     Sure enough, Don was still sitting in the same booth by the time I was leaving. I don't know how he did it, but props, I guess. "You're a lifesaver, Yuichi! Thanks again!" I waved to the boy as I was leaving. He gave me a thumbs-up and smiled before making his way to his next table.

     Yuichi would work some crazy hours, but he seemed unbothered by it. "Don, I saw Mikey and you talking earlier. What was it about?"

     "Uh, Dr. Feelings. . . he was telling me how they're all worried, they miss me, blah, blah, blah," the mutant brushed off the subject quickly.

     "We don't need to get into it if you don't want to," I smiled softly. "But, I saw you smile," I said in a teasing voice.

     "Scoff, I did not," he crossed his arms and turned to look in the opposite direction. I hummed out a laugh as I looked at the pouting mutant. "Who's Yuichi, by the way?"

     "Oh, he's a coworker. He took over my table when your brothers sat there. I don't know how I would have reacted facing them all at once," I admitted. "He's really sweet, but I don't really know much else about him."

     I heard the rotors from Shelldon as the drone hovering behind us slowed and I looked back. "Something up, Shell?" I slowed my steps as I glanced around. I didn't see anything around us, so what was the matter?

     Even Don seemed to be on higher alert, pulling out his Tech-Bo and holding it tightly. "Don?" he shushed me, glowing yellow eyes surveying the area we were walking through.

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