Fuck Around. . .

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     There was something a bit too familiar about the voices that echoed from Y/n's end of our call. I had pretty much sworn off tracking them, but I. . . I was worried.

     I turned on my tablet, easily tracing where my human was. It was kind of far and would definitely be out of their comfort zone. Should I go and get them? No, no. I shook the thought from my head. They would know about the tracker if I did, and then they would definitely hate me.

     All I could do was sit and hope they would be safe. I didn't want my human to get hurt, especially if they were really trying to make new friends. As much as I didn't want them to, I knew they needed it if we were going to try and keep a healthy relationship.

     I took in a deep breath. Shelldon was with Y/n, he would be able to protect them if he needed to. "Okay, Don, I gotta go," I glanced up to see their little dot had stopped.

     "Be safe. I love you," I rarely said that first, my cheeks heated up at my words.

     "I will be. I love you, too, Don," Y/n paused for a sec. "Oh! And I have something special for you when I get home," there was a click as their line disconnected.

     I could help but feel excited at the thought of my human getting me something. My brain raced through the different things it could be, but I never let the excitement overrun how nervous I was about Y/n's safety. All I could do was wait.

        ~Normal POV~

     Walking in, the arena was much more crowded than I thought it would be for some underground drone race. My nails subconsciously picked at my skin as a nervous tic.

     Even with no one looking at me, I felt like all eyes were on me. Oh no. No, no, no. Not now. I knew I would most likely shut down here, and the stupid Purple Dragons would think I was a weirdo and tell the whole school and--

     "Come on, already," Kendra crossed her arms as she stood on the lift that was waiting to bring us to a higher floor while the drones entered the racing portion.

     I kissed Shelldon on the top of the head before letting him take off to join the other bots that were here. What were they even racing for? I didn't really care much, I just needed to think to distract myself.

     Would Don also think I was an idiot for coming somewhere so far out of my comfort zone? No, not those kinds of thoughts. I tried to wipe away my frustrated tears before anyone could see.

     Was I really just upsetting myself? I needed to get out of here, I never should have agreed to this. I made my way as far as I could from the other people cramped in the small room, calling Don once more.

     "Y/n?" he sounded concerned, both of us knowing I had only hung up a few moments ago. "Is everything okay?" the question broke me and a sniffle left me.

     "Can you come get me?" I could barely keep my voice from wavering. "I wanna go home," I shrank into myself, an arm wrapping securely around myself.

     "Yeah, of course. Do you know where you are?" I heard the hiss of his battle shell latching over his soft shell. Shit, I didn't.

     "Do you have a way to track my phone? I-I don't know," I was forcing myself not to shut down. I couldn't be helpful if I couldn't say anything.

     "Hey, it's gonna be okay, love. Deep breaths, okay?" Don tried his best to soothe me. "I'll get to you as fast as I can. Would it make you feel better if I ramble to you again?" I let out a pathetic hum while I nodded.

     So Don started talking about anything he could think about again. It surprised me to no end that he always seemed to find something to speak about. He really didn't get to do this much when he lived with his brothers, huh?

     "Are you in that warehouse?" he asked, pausing as I guessed he checked whatever GPS he had up. "Okay, I'm here. Where are you?"

     "There's a lift that brings the drone flyers up here," I informed him quietly. "I don't think they're gonna let us down until the end of the race."

     "Is Shelldon with you?" I shook my head as if my mutant could see me.

     "No, Kendra entered him into the race," I whispered.

     "Kendra? As in, like, the Purple Dragons?" Don asked for clarification and I felt even more embarrassed by my choice to go with them.

     "Are you mad?" I wasn't sure Don would even be able to hear my voice over the screaming crowd.

     "Y/n, love, I could never be mad at you," he hummed in response. "I know you want to have some sort of normalcy again, but I don't think that little gang has what you're looking for."

     "I know, I was stupid for ever thinking that--"

     "Don't say that," Don stopped me before I could say anything else. "You remember a while ago when I said you aren't stupid? That you aren't a failure? I meant that. So, please, don't talk so poorly of yourself."

     I hugged my knees to my chest, trying to focus on Don instead of the angry shouts of the crowd and people controlling their drones. "Okay," my voice was muffled as I buried my head in my knees.

      I needed to leave. Please let this end. I didn't even hear the announcement of the winner, only glancing up when I heard Kendra clear her throat while glaring down at me. I was gonna take it Shelldon wasn't the winner.

     The lift lowered us back to the ground floor and it took everything not to sprint to Don who was beside Shelldon, speaking to him before he glanced around to look for me.

     Kendra and her gang seemed to immediately recognize my mutant, her eyes narrowing on Don.

     "Look what the cat dragged in," she smirked, stuffing her hands in her pockets as she stalked closer to Don. "Long time no see, Othello Von Ryan," I kept my head down. "I knew this drone was too familiar."

     "Yeah, and now I'll be taking him and Y/n home," I stepped forward and Kendra threw a hand out in front of me to stop me.

     "Well, let's see. Not only did your bot and this idiot not win our race for us, but now they just get to walk out of here with no consequences?" my body tensed at the insult.

     The glowing of Don's marking's caught my attention, along with the death glare that was aimed at the lavender-haired girl. "Don, let's just go," I dodged Kendra's arm as she tried to stop me once more.

     "No," Don didn't take his eyes off of the girl, his fist clenching as Kendra smirked wider, letting out a snicker. "Don't you ever call them that again," my mutant was almost itching for a fight.

     "How cute," the Purple Dragon snorted at Don's protectiveness. "Why would a genius like you be with. . . them? Aren't you just holding yourself back?" the arena had practically cleared out by now, leaving our small group.

     Don let out a snort of his own. Was he agreeing with them? I felt tears welling in my eyes as I looked up at the turtle. He smirked down at me, reaching back to grab his Bo Staff.

     "It's funny," he hummed, pulling out the weapon, his fingers gripping it tightly. "I've never slain a dragon before. How do you think this will end?"

     Word Count: 1,309. Sorry I was gone a couple days. I slept wrong and got a crick in my neck, and it's feelin' a little better. I'll try and get a second part out tonight, but for now, enjoy!

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