A Bloody Fight in the Battle Nexus

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     I don't think I had ever moved so fast in my life. My human told me that they were in the Battle Nexus and Raph was there. Huh, crazy that Mikey had a dream that came true. 

     I arrived at the hotel before I knew it, threatening a bellhop to take me to the Nexus, which somehow worked. Unless this was part of Big Mama's plan, but it didn't seem likely.

     My eyes rapidly scanned the crowd, not seeing Y/n or Mikey anywhere. They couldn't possibly be-- a shriek came from the arena, the spider yokai tearing someone off of her and throwing them across the arena.

     They recovered rather quickly, but they seemed to be tired out or injured. Where was my human? My eyes glanced around the fight, noticing the smaller figure among the mutants and yokais. They were okay, for now.

     I vaulted over the railing, hearing the cheering of fans as yet another challenger entered the ring. I landed on my feet, dust kicking up around me. I knew by now my markings were glowing as my brain set its objective: Protect Y/n.

     I barely spared a glance at the roughed-up being beside me, eyes focusing on the spider who peered back at me. I stayed silent as a grin crept along her features.

     "How splendiferous," her nails clacked together as her smaller spider hands folded together. "Another turtle-y boo! Have you missed Big Mama?" full of herself, as always.

     "I can keep her distracted," I spoke quietly to Y/n as I reached them. "Get them out of here."

     "I'm not leaving you," they looked back at me like I suggested the most incredulous thing. "We can fight," they lightly gestured to Mikey and the roughed-up girl that had made her way to us.

     "I've been through worse," she wiped away the blood that dripped down her muzzle. "I can do this."

     "And you are?" I asked as she slowly strutted toward the spider, ready to pounce.

     "I think it's Phina?"

     "Don't call me that!" her voice nearly came out in a roar. "My name is Seraphina, and I'm getting the fuck outta here," her eyes narrowed and her hands opened, claws making themself very clear. "Are you helping or not?"

     A smirk crossed my lips. She didn't even have to ask. If I had the chance, Big Mama would be dead. I gave her an affirmative nod, and watched her jump into action, effectively catching Big Mama's attention.

     "I must warn you, love, you may not. . ." I paused, glancing to the side as I thought of my confession. "You may not like what you'll see me do. I would rather prefer it if you left now."

     "Remember my promise? I will love you no matter what," I took a shaky breath, focusing back on the spider yokai Seraphina was dealing with. All right, mystics. Let's see what you can do.

     I slammed my Bo Staff to the ground, giving us shelter in the purple haze. Big Mama was a big target, but she also had more defense than I could handle with a simple blade. I would be better with range, but my Staff didn't offer as much as I would like.

     Guns. . . Could I make guns? Or something similar? How hard would they be to create than my blades? Would I be able to control them as easily as I could the blades?

     My mind was racing as I tried to think, unaware of the array of weapons that were forming behind my back.

     I heard one shot, before another and another. They weren't as loud as a gun with real bullets, but it was enough to snap me out of my thoughts.

     "Seraphina! Get out of there!" my human shouted to the amalgamation of animals as one of the mystic bullets pierced her skin, followed by many others. Fuck. Oh, gods, no. She struggled to get out of the way as I tried to focus the fire on the yokai behind her.

     Big Mama didn't let her go, pinning the girl to the ground. The spider tanked a lot of the shots, but they finally seemed to be getting to her as the wounds widened and the blood leaked down her black fur.

     She let out a weak laugh, glossy eyes gazing down at me. "Not an arena clown anymore, huh?"

     "Don't ever think about fucking with my family ever again," I peered at her collapsed body, trying not to show my worry for the girl slowly being crushed over the giant yokai's weight.

     I knew that final croak all too well, but the screaming cheers were almost too much for me. Don't cheer me on. I'm a fucking monster. The weapons faded away as I dropped to my knees.

     "Don! Seraphina!" my human as well as my brothers rushed toward us in search of the other girl as well as to check on me. "Are you okay?" a warm hand rested on my cheek., but I couldn't bring myself to focus on Y/n. It was all becoming too much.

     "Dee? Where's Seraphina?" Mikey looked worried as he sat Raph on the ground. My eyes wandered to the. . . ashes? Where was she? The area began to glow and the ashes rose up, taking the shape of the girl and I swore I almost cried. She was okay.

     "Jeez!" Seraphina stretched out, her tail flicking a bit as she glanced back at it, no doubt taking note of the feather that had lost its shimmer. "Learn how to aim before you shoot one of those things."

     "You're okay!" Mikey jumped forward and the girl dodged the arms that were going to wrap around her tightly. She looked at Mikey worriedly, like she was scared of what he was just about to do.

     "Yeah, nine lives and all?" she pointed to the eight glowing feathers, eyes darting to me. "Well, eight now, but still. Can we just get out of here before the Hidden City Police show up?"

     Upon hearing that, we all got up and rushed out of the Battle Nexus. Y/n held my hand as they led us all back to our apartment. Seraphina paused at the bottom of the stairs to the fire escape.

     She glanced up at us and then back to the ground. She looked nervous to speak up. "Aren't you coming, Seraphina?" Y/n asked, and the girl looked up, and I swear her pupils blew out a bit. "I figure you need a place to stay, and you helped us a lot, and--"

     "Thank you," she cut off my human's ramble a bit. There was a small lurch as I noticed the collar around her neck released a shock.

     "Er. . . Do you need help with that?" I pointed to the device and her hand raised to it.

     "Oh, um, if you could," her brows pinched together at my offer.

     "Yeah, let's get in first. I have my tools in my room," we all started walking again, entering the home one by one. I had no doubt I would miss the quiet of just me and my human, but I suppose I didn't have much of a choice at the moment.

     Word Count: 1,211. Dedicated to Rose! We all had a bit of a rough day, but let's make it better with the finale of the Big Mama chaps. Um, she wasn't originally gonna die, but I said 'fuck it.' Enjoy!

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