☆ How you both met ☆

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"You captured my heart the very first time we met"

☆• 🌙 •☆


Yaya grinned from ear to ear as she dragged her friend, behind her.

She hadn't seen (Y/n) since they were academy aged and was ecstatic to find that her old friend was moving back to Rintis with her family for good and mostly she is joining TAPOPS as per Admiral had informed.

They had spent the previous day catching up on everything that had happened in the years they had been apart, and now Yaya was eager to introduce (Y/n) to her team -especially to a certain dyno-capped boy on said team.

"Yaya! OMG! Slow down!", Her friend panted as she tried to keep up with the pinkette, but her complaint went unnoticed as Yaya kept a firm hand around her arm.

'When the hell did she get so strong? Oh...yeah....her power watch', (Y/n) deadpanned.

Yaya giggled in excitement as they approached the cafe much to the apprehension of the (h/c) haired girl-what in the world was Yaya laughing at?

(Y/n) was curious as to what exactly was going on in the mind of her friend, and she suddenly felt very nervous. Much to her unawareness.....Yaya had a specific Mission to complete.

"Yaya! Over here!" (Y/n) heard a girl's voice call out as they approached what she assumed to be the team that Yaya was so inclined to introduce her to and which also was going to be her future teammates.

The pinkette stopped abruptly causing (Y/n) to stumble a bit. She looked up to see four people sitting on the stools of the cafe now looking at her. Yaya giggled and pushed the nervous girl in front of her causing her to earn a glare from the latter.

(Y/n) pov:

"Guys! This is (Y/n)! Our new teammate and my very old friend about whom I was telling you all about!!", Yaya giggled.

"Oh hi! You are (Y/n)! I am Ying! It's finally nice to have another girl in our team!!", a girl with dark blue hair with two pigtails and spectacles said. Her clothes were yellow and blue in colour and she looked a bit younger than me.

"Hello....it's nice to meet you all finally ", I bowed.

"Oh my you won't believe that since Yaya got to know that there will be a new member and it's especially you....man she wouldn't stop blabbering about you"

"O-oh", I replied shyly.

"Ok enough of that...now this guy-", a boy to Ying's left with dark blue hair...darker than Ying's with red eyes and dark purple coloured clothes," is Fang".

"Hi", he simply said smiling to which I smiled back.

"Then this one-", a boy with really short hair with a red hair band along with dark green and yellow clothes, "is Gopal "

"YO!", he greeted with a peace sign while sipping on his drink.

"That cute powersphera over there is Ochobot", she pointed towards a yellow flying robot who appeared to be making drinks.

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