☆ Against All Assumptions - Thunderstorm ☆

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Request by: ErickaVallarta7

Request by: ErickaVallarta7

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As the summer sun set over the picturesque town of Rintis Island, (Y/n) nervously adjusted her hair and glanced at herself in the mirror one last time. 

Today was a special day – she was going to meet Thunder's friends and family for the first time. Thunder, the enigmatic and charismatic high school senior, had captured her heart with his cold yet gentle demeanor. 

They had been dating for a few months now, but this was a significant step in their relationship.

(Y/n) had always been the shy and kind girl, often overlooked by others. But Thunder saw something different in her, something special that drew him in. 

It was her genuine nature, her kind heart, and her complete lack of interest in his popularity or status. She was unlike any girl he had ever met, and that made him fall head over heels for her.

As they arrived at Thunder's house, (Y/n)'s heart raced with anticipation. She knew Thunder's friends and family had a preconceived notion of him being uninterested in relationships. 

They thought Thunder was unapproachable and believed he only attracted gold-diggers who craved his popularity. 

They couldn't have been more wrong about Thunder's true character, and (Y/n) was about to show them just how mistaken they were.

Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) followed Thunder through the front door. The house was filled with laughter and warmth, but as soon as Thunder's friends caught sight of them, the room fell silent. (Y/n) could feel the weight of their skeptical stares, their disbelief hanging in the air.

One of Thunder's closest friends, Gopal, spoke up first. 

"Thunder, is this some kind of joke? We thought you were immune to girls and their games."

Thunder's gaze never wavered as he gently intertwined his fingers with (Y/n)'s. 

"This is (Y/n), my girlfriend. She's not like the others."

Gopal's eyes widened, and he turned to the others, who shared the same incredulous expression. Thunder had always been the cold, unattainable guy, and this sudden revelation shook their perception of him.

(Y/n) stepped forward, her voice steady but filled with vulnerability. 

"I understand your doubts, but Thunder and I share something real. I'm not here for popularity or any ulterior motives. I'm here because I love him, for who he truly is."

As the silence stretched on, one by one, Thunder's friends began to see the sincerity in (Y/n)'s eyes, the earnestness in her words. They realized that she was different from the shallow girls they had encountered before.

"Thunder, you never told us anything about her," said Tok Aba, breaking the silence. 

"But if you chose her, she must be something special."

Thunder's stern expression softened, a flicker of pride gleaming in his eyes.
"She is."

Slowly, the tension dissolved, replaced by warmth and acceptance. Thunder's friends and family began to engage (Y/n) in conversation, eager to get to know the girl who had captured Thunder's heart. 

They discovered her quiet intelligence, her quirky sense of humor, and her genuine kindness, which resonated with each one of them.

Throughout the evening, Thunder and (Y/n) shared stolen glances and secret smiles. The initial skepticism had transformed into newfound support and understanding. 

Thunder's friends and family realized that love had a way of breaking through the toughest barriers, revealing the depths of a person's character.

As the night drew to a close, Thunder's best friend, Fang, approached (Y/n) with a warm smile. 

"You've proven us all wrong, (Y/n). Thunder may be the strong one on the outside, but you bring out his softer side. Thank you for being there for him."

(Y/n) blushed, feeling a sense of belonging she had never experienced before. 

"Thank you, Fang. I care for Thunder deeply, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to show him what real love is."

With newfound acceptance and support from Thunder's loved ones, (Y/n) and Thunder's relationship blossomed even further. They continued to face life's challenges together, growing closer with each passing day.

Their love story became an inspiration to those around them, proving that true connections can transcend stereotypes and expectations. 

Thunder and (Y/n)'s relationship reminded everyone that love wasn't about appearances or popularity, but about finding someone who saw your faithful self and loved you unconditionally.

And so, in the depths of Rintis Island, amidst the bonds of friendship and the magic of love, Thunder and (Y/n) found their place—a love story that defied expectations and warmed the hearts of those who witnessed it.


Hope y'all enjoyed it~


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