☆ Books & Love - Solar ☆

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In the cozy corner of a quaint bookstore in Pulau Rintis, Solar found himself engrossed in the vibrant pages of a science fiction book.

As he turned the pages, his eyes wandered and caught sight of a familiar face. (Y/n), an avid reader, stood nearby, fixated on the same book series that Solar held dear to his heart.

Curiosity sparked within Solar as he mustered the courage to strike up a conversation. 

With a soft smile, he approached (Y/n) and gently asked, "Excuse me, but isn't that the Transgalactic Chronicles? I've been a fan of the series for years now."

(Y/n) turned to face Solar, their eyes sparkling with excitement. 

"Oh, you're a fan too? I can't get enough of these books. The stories take me to worlds beyond imagination."

Solar's heart skipped a beat as their shared love for science fiction drew them closer. He motioned toward the empty seats nearby. 

"Would you like to sit and discuss our favorite characters and plot twists?"

(Y/n) nodded enthusiastically and joined Solar at the table, their eyes shining with anticipation. As they delved into deep discussions about the Transgalactic Chronicles, their enthusiasm soared.

Each sentence they exchanged carried a hint of fascination as if they were discovering new universes together.

Time flew by, and Solar couldn't help but be captivated by (Y/n)'s passion and intelligence. Their conversations flowed effortlessly as if they were two puzzle pieces finding their perfect fit.

They laughed at shared jokes and reveled in the excitement of their favorite moments from the books.

Days turned into weeks, and their bond only grew stronger. Solar and (Y/n) started exploring other science fiction novels, broadening their horizons and creating new memories within the bookstore's hallowed walls.

They became inseparable, venturing into realms of literature and love hand in hand.

In the midst of their shared adventures, Solar realized that his feelings for (Y/n) had blossomed into something more profound.

One fateful afternoon, beneath the warm glow of a reading lamp, he mustered his courage once again.

"(Y/n), you've brought so much joy and wonder into my life. I cherish every moment we spend together, discussing books and diving into these extraordinary stories.

I can't help but wonder... Would you like to explore our own story together?"

(Y/n)'s eyes widened with surprise, and a shy smile curved their lips. 

"Solar, I've fallen for your contagious enthusiasm and the way you make every fictional world feel real. I'd be honored to embark on this adventure with you."

At that moment, the air around them seemed to shimmer with newfound love.

Their hands intertwined, sealing their connection, as they embarked on a journey beyond the pages of books—a love story rooted in shared passions and the magic of their own unique universe.

And so, in that cozy corner of the bookstore where their paths had crossed, Solar and (Y/n) discovered that sometimes, the best love stories are written between the lines of a science fiction novel, where imagination and reality intertwine to create something truly extraordinary.


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