☆ When they want Attention from You ☆

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"Even if we want, we can't ignore each other as we can't ignore our future.
As we both are each other's feature."

☆• 🌙 •☆


This cute little boy became the king of cuteness and would literally do anything for your attention. He was so used to being your source of happiness that seeing you be so happy and bubbly with another man kinda put him off.

While you were cooking he would pop up in front of you and go to any extent just to get you to notice him. 

"Baby look at me, aren't I just the cutest little prince you've ever seen?".


Whines a lot out of pure frustration for his lack of attention, as well and his attempt to gain your attention. Nuzzles his head into your neck smiling, as he knows you've figured out what he wants. 

When you finally give him the attention he's been craving, he'll finally stop complaining and instead quietly tell you how much he loves you. He'll flop his whole body weight onto you as he cuddles you, resting his head on your chest. You play with his hair as you know that gives him comfort.

"Finally! My daily dose of affection......."


Not usually the type to cling to you so when he does want your attention, he tends to try and hide it for a little while. He plays with your fingers and looks at you from the corner of his eye to see if you've taken any notice of his subtle action.

He then fully intertwines your hands, both still doing their own thing, trying to start a conversation with you but as you're too focused on something, you give short, blunt answers.

Starts to get fed up so he fully stops you from what you're doing and pulls you into a warm hug. He rests his head in the crook of your neck, smiling as he's finally gotten what he wanted.

"You know, that it's bad to keep your boyfriend waiting Princess~"


He would hold your hand, waving it about in hopes of you getting so annoying that you give in to his attempts for attention. Starts off quietly saying your name until he gradually starts raising his voice, whining your name over and over.

He sighs as he gives up, resting his head on your shoulder. You feel guilty so you start caressing his face with your hand, placing a kiss on his head.

He props his head up, looking you in the eyes, realizing you're finally giving him attention. You give him a few kisses before holding him in your arms for the next hour.

"It took you so long to notice!! I ain't leaving you for the next hour."


Blaze wasn't annoyed because he was jealous of your laptop, he was annoyed because he just wanted a little affection. You haven't given him one kiss this entire day and he's been craving an energy boost. 

Your assignments were endless and when you decided to take a break, that was Blaze's chance to take action.

"When are you gonna leave those so I can get my daily dose of love?" 

You smiled and leaned in for a kiss which he happily accepted. You promised him that you'll go watch a movie together after and went to quickly finish your assignments.


Rubs your back, watching whatever you're focused on. After a while of caressing you, he lays his head on your shoulder, thinking that would get your attention. He starts to get impatient.

"Babyyy..." he says, dragging on the y.

He starts to playfully hit your arm, desperate for your attention.

You see him pouting, giving you puppy eyes, which you just can't resist so you end up peppering his face with kisses. Has a huge smile plastered on his face when you finally give him love.

"Can you leave that and focus on me? Please........"


This little baby will become a ball of mush and will act like a toddler that just wants his mother's attention. You went into the kitchen to grab your brother a glass of water, little did you know a pouty baby silently waddled himself in the kitchen and back-hugged you resting his head on your shoulder.

 "Why are you ignoring me?", he would say soft and hurt. 

You looked at the time and you're widened by what you saw. It was current 11:36 pm and he arrived here at 4:00 pm.

You've spent over seven hours ignoring your baby for your brother you met in the store. You cup his cheeks and give him a big fat kiss and promise him your full attention after you get your brother out of your house.


Quietly sits beside you, staring at you, assuming that would work as it's lowkey creepy lol. He realizes it's not working so he says your name in a cute voice, shoving his face in front of yours.

Starts to tap your arm constantly, as he takes the annoying route to get your attention. But he gives up on that soon after as he doesn't want to fully irritate you. He resumes back to sitting quietly next to you, but this time kisses your cheek, causing you to smile at his adorable gesture.

He starts laughing hysterically, causing you to become flustered. -you end up giving him cuddles.

"Are you ignoring me on purpose? Cause that ain't gonna work babygirl~"


Hi folks!! Hope you all are doing great!

And I hope you liked this scenario too!!

And if you must know, I am still barely alive after my results. Studying my ass off and all and. Yeah, that's all...


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