☆ When they find out that you get bullied ☆

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Request by: 

WorldHoppeRhea : "If you feel like it, how about when they get angry/pissed off?"

It is almost an alternate form of the previous scenario. Since you requested for them getting mad by seeing you hurt....this is the only thing I could think of.

☆• 🌙 •☆


You've been bullied so many times at college but you've never told him about it. He would notice all those black and purple bruises on your body and would ask you why were those there but you would make up excuses to not worry him and always assure him that you just bumped in some things.

You only tell your best friend about you being bullied, so he/she promised to keep it a secret. One day, the group of bullies surrounded you and began to punch and kick you mercilessly which was more than enough for your best friend to call your boyfriend right then and there and inform him about the situation.

He arrived at your college in less than 3 mins. He pulled you out from the bullies and moved you behind him.

"Make one more move and I'll make sure that no one would find your corpse after this."


As Quake was one of the most famous ones among his brothers not only because of his looks but also of his intelligence and dominant leader-like self, many girls were already head over heels in love with him.

But you dating him was the main problem among most of his fangirls. So they often bullied you and questioned why he even liked you in the first place. You were already on the floor while your bullies were throwing punches and kicking you.

"Give up on him already!"

Thankfully Thorn and Ice saw this and wasted no time informing Quake. 

One of the girls was about to slap you and as a reflex, you closed your eyes and waited for the impact but it never came. You opened your eyes and saw Quake holding the wrist of that girl in a not-so-nice-way. 

"Who gave you permission to touch her?", he asked smiling but that smile suddenly turned into one's nightmare.

He harshly let go of her hand and it was all purple at the spot he held it. 

"You are lucky that I don't support domestic violence but if you touch her, I think I won't hesitate to break your bones."


A guy at the TAPOPS base was madly in love with you and it was driving both you and your boyfriend crazy. He just wanted to beat his ass up but you weren't letting him get into any trouble. Well, today it happened, that guy cornered you in the cafeteria, asking you to join him for lunch to which you kept on turning him down.

"C'mon (Y/N)! My treat! Let's hang out for a bit!"

"I'm pretty sure I've said no to that request already", you rejected for the nth time.

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