☆ Confession - Thunderstorm ☆

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You were just chilling on your own when suddenly Thunder came and sat beside you letting out a loud sigh.

"What's up? "

No response

"Blaze driving you crazy again?"

"You know me too well ", he scoffed.

It was all silent again. You both, well especially you got to use this silence and didn't feel uncomfortable. It was quiet until he spoke up again.

"What do you think of me?"

"Pardon? "

"I mean...what is your opinion of me?"

"Why all of a sudden?"

"Just curious"

"Well, I think that you are a walking ice cube who has talking issues. Also, you are sometimes stubborn and your attitude is also sometimes more than a preteen girl. Also you are bit of an ass sometimes."

Thunder frowned grunting in response.

"Buuutt....", you continued, "You are really determined and extremely passionate about your goals and you work harder than any of your other twins. Also, you are surprisingly pleasant to be around and not to mention that you have a high tolerance and patience.

And if you want me to be completely honest at this point then I'd say that I really like spending time with you. You seem to tolerate all my blabbering and my hyperactive self which I am really thankful for even though I think that I am sometimes annoying to you. "

'Also not to forget that I have this huge crush on you sir.', you thought to yourself.

Thunder's lips twitched into a small smile as he seems much more relaxed than before.

"Now, can I ask you something?"


"Why does my opinion of you matter? Do you have a crush on me or something? ", you asked kind of jokingly completely ignoring his previous response.

He remained silent so you continued, "Well then....in that case I think I do like you too haha"

Thunder's eyes widened and he seemed to get a bit nervous by this. He turned his head away making you a bit nervous as well.

'Does he actually like me?', you thought.

You soon felt something brushing over your right hand. You looked down and it was Thunder's. You looked up back at him and this time he was facing you with a smile. No other smile...but a genuine smile. His actions made your cheeks warm up.

"D-Do you really?"

He looked down, chewing his lips nervously.


"I love you (Y/n)!"

Your eyes widened and your mouth was hung open. You were trying to process if he really did say that or is it your imagination.

His eyes were squeezed shut as if he was ready for the rejection. You smiled softly and pulled him in for a tight hug. He got startled by your sudden move but soon slowly hugged you back.

"Why didn't you tell this sooner you idiot?", you asked chuckling.

"So you-"


He was so happy that he picked you up by your waist and kissed you directly on the spot.

"You won't believe how much happy I am right now."


Hope y'all enjoyed!

Note: In this book if your age is not mentioned at the very beginning of any chapter, then please assume that you are between the age group of (16-19), same goes with the other characters as well.

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