☆ Their reaction to you getting into a fight ☆

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Request by: ErickaVallarta7

You two were at some place when someone you hated tried to mess with you which made you lose your control. He knew you hated that person but what he didn't know was that you could fight better than them.

☆• 🌙 •☆

• Boboiboy •

You both were out, and he ran into the convenience store to buy drinks for you two. A friend of yours whom you hated in school came up to you and started talking shit, making you lose yourself completely. Once he came out, all he saw was someone getting crushed down by you.

He wanted to stop but then stepped back knowing that he might get in the same condition as the girl getting smashed cause he had never seen you fight like that. He also kinda figured out that this girl is the one whom you hated so he let all your anger out on her.

"(Y/N)! Make sure that pig's alive!"

• Quake •

When he saw you wrestling someone near his age, he recognized who that person was real soon and didn't waste any time in stopping you.

You were on your period so he was afraid that you might kill that friend of yours because of your mood swings. Once he was near you, he did had to struggle a bit to drag you out of there but made sure to warn your friend.

"Hi there! Sorry about that! I'd like to warn you that next time you see her anywhere then you should run away at least 12 miles away from her or I don't think anyone would step in and help some annoying crap like you."

• Thunderstorm •

Thunderstorm entered the training room with two drinks where his brothers, friends, and others were present to see a marvelous sight. There is this guy with purple eyes whom almost everyone hates but today he did something which made you lose your cool.

When you were fighting your shirt git ripped causing your bra to view, the lace to be exact. He found your fight quite attractive and the fact that everyone was cheering for YOU made him even more proud. But being a mature young teen, he decided to remove you from the situation before you take his life.

"Alright baby, I got two drinks an-...oh! What do we have here? A crumbled trash bag I guess."

• Cyclone •

Cyclone was acting as if he was watching a wrestling match. He sat there mc-ing everything that he sees as if he was inside the ring seeing you and your bully fight.

Although his actions were kinda annoying, it did hype you up to go on.

"(Y/n) got a hold of her hair! She grips it and throws the dirty skeleton doll to the ground in one great tug! She's going for her final blow aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnddd, WE GOT OUR WINNER!!!"

• Blaze •

Blaze was in awe when he saw how you took on that girl. He knew you were about that life and you didn't like to play around with clown bitches so when he saw you square up he knew exactly what is about to happen.

He took one look at that girl and you fighting and concluded that it might be a tough match for you but when that girl's ass started to get burst, he was marveled.

"Ahhh, that one's gonna bruise. Take it, slow babe, you don't want to go to jail for killing her. How about we go get some snacks after this?"

• Ice •

Ice got shocked and internally cringed with every hit you made. When he walked out of the pastry store, he just saw a blur whoosh past him and tackle a girl his age with eye-hurting hair color. He saw you throwing hands and some random hair extensions go fly in all sorts of directions. He was kinda terrified of the situation.

When he tried to approach you to pull you off of her, you sidestepped and threw your phone at him for two main reasons, one is to take care of your phone cause it might break from your fight, and the second was to give him a warning to stay back and not to interrupt.


• Thorn •

He was marveled by your fighting with your class monitor. He never knew that you could hit so hard that it could create dent-like bruises on that boy's skin.

He was even more surprised when Ying and Yaya joined in and started beating the shit outta him and his friends who tried to stop him. After the fight, he just clapped and brought you a towel and a water bottle.

"Damn (Y/n)! That was incredible! You thrashed those paper bags like shit. I need training from you now I see."

• Solar •

He stood there semi-surprised. He was not surprised by seeing the girl you talk sick about getting Batista bomb on the ground by you but got surprised to see how you were thrashing her down like you were beating a sleeping mat with a bat to get it nice and dry.

You've constantly told him stories about her and how much she pisses you off so he didn't interfere and let you release all your anger. He sat there sipping on his cola and he watched you get on top of her and grab her hair.

"Welp you shouldn't have tested her patience, now you look like a scarecrow who got run over by some field cows."


This is a pretty interesting idea I got as a request so

please don't forget to send me suggestions.


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