☆ While I'm Here - Boboiboy ☆

552 32 9

Age: 23


He slides the disk into the DVD player and sits next to you, his sweet Scent wafting into your face.

Finally, after working so hard on his last mission, Boboiboy  gets to spend some quality time with you. He pulls you into his arms and watches as you get yourself comfortable.

"What movie did you put in?"


You can handle haunted houses, zombies and all the kids stuff but horror movies are like hell on steroids for you. Boboiboy looks at you with a loving smile, quickly attacking your face with kisses.

"Do you want me to change it?"

The way he asks you the question is like he is indirectly implying that you are a chicken.

You shake your head, mentally preparing yourself. He shrugs, allowing himself to get pulled into the movie.

You were enjoying the first couple of minutes, cooing over how cute the girls were when the first jump scare came.

Boboiboy didn't notice your sudden movement or your hand tightening around his and your face digging further into his chest.

You allow your fear to stay inside you rather than making a fool of yourself in front of your macho boyfriend. Every time he asks if you are ok, you reply with a nod and a tight lipped smile.

The movie finally ends and the two of you head off to bed. Sharing an apartment is good for a relationship as is getting comfortable.

The two of you have seperate rooms for privacy although tonight, you don't want to sleep alone.

Boboiboy walks in to bid you goodnight but you grab his wrist, preventing him from leaving.

"Can you stay with me tonight?"

"Y/N, I told you not to watch the movie if you didn't want to."

You smile as he climbs in the blankets with you, immediately making sure you are curled up in his arms. He plays gently with strands of your hair as you feel yourself beginning to relax, fears slowly being pushed behind you.

"Don't worry, she won't get you while I'm here."

He securely wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your neck. You slowly drift off while he smiles at how adorable you are.


This one was a short but sweet chapter. Hope y'all enjoyed it.


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