☆ When you're mad at them & he makes up for it ☆

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Request by:

WorldHoppeRhea: "How about Y/N getting mad at the boys? How will they ask for her forgiveness?"

Also thank you a lot Rhea for helping me out with Blaze's and Ice's part.

Anyways..........back to the scenario!


"Just because I'm mad, doesn't mean that I stop caring about you."

☆• 🌙 •☆


Boboiboy had been getting really lazy lately which is not like him at all. You made food which he ate and you had to wash dishes while he slept on the couch.

"Boboiboy are you okay?"


"You seem like.... I don't know, not like normal." 

"Well if you don't like me then leave."


"Leave and let me rest, (Y/n)"

 You felt your heart shatter and you stormed out. As you got away from the house you realized, he seems so exhausted and sick. He just got back from his last mission like four days ago after all. But that doesn't give him a reason to act like that. 

You went to a park to cool down. You have no reason to apologize but he does.

Sitting on a bench beneath a massive tree, you watched as the day turned into dusk. Some families were leaving, making you feel a sense of isolation. However, your thoughts were interrupted when someone sat down beside you.

 You look up and see a bundle of (your favorite flowers). You knew who it was so you were ready to get up. You weren't giving in that easily. Just when you were about to get up, someone grabbed your waist.

"Boboiboy, let go."

"(Y/n), please listen-"

"I said let go!", you said, sternly this time.

But he refused to release his grip. His hold on your waist tightened. Despite your efforts to free yourself, you couldn't overpower him. He was much stronger.

"I'm sorry. All this work and stress have got the best of me. I wasn't thinking straight and said all those nonsense."

You felt his voice break at the last part and stopped struggling and slowly looked at him only to see drops of tears forming in his eyes. He was really sorry for his actions. It was prominent in his eyes.

"Please, I'm sorry. I'll make it up."

Your heart shattered at this sight. It makes sense now that he said all those things because of exhaustion, he didn't mean any of those.

Moved by his display of genuine remorse, you accepted the bundle of flowers and smiled at him. He knew how to make it right.

"Come here," you said, opening your arms, and inviting him to embrace you tightly. He buried his face in the crook of your neck as you held each other.

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