☆ You call them by their real name ☆

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You saw this trend on tiktok and decided to try it out on you boyfriend to see their reaction.

☆• 🌙 •☆


>"Boboiboy, have you seen my pen?", you asked entering your shared bedroom.

>he stands up and opens the drawer, taking out the pen you we're looking for and hands it to you.

>"I thought you knew where your pen was. And Boboiboy? It's not babe anymore? ", He asked while handing you your pen.

>"Thanks Boboiboy", you said pecking his cheek and running away.

>It took him some time to process but eventually came to.

>"Hey!! Come back here you Satan and give me a full explanation!! How dare you?!!", he yelled after hearing your maniacal laughter behind you.

• Quake •

> "Hey Earthquake, can you please hand me my phone over there?"

> Quake.exe has stopped working

> he grabs your phone and hands it to you slowly still tryingto process what you just said.

> "Thanks", you replied after taking your phone.

> it took him 3 minutes to process what just happened.

>tries to recall if he did something wrong or not for you to call him by his real name.

> he doesn't talk about it and brushes it off but he still thinks about it once in a while.

• Thunderstorm •

> "Thunderstorm, you done?", you enter the bedroom and he instantly snaps his head towards you.

> "Huh? Thunderstorm? What happened to thundie or thunderchu or other weired nicknames you used to call me?"

> "But I thought you said to not call you with those?"

> "I'd rather hear them than my full name", he pouts.

> "What's wrong with it? Your name sounds cool "

> "That's true, thanks babe~", he smiles.

> "And I think I should call you Thunderstorm fron now on-"

>You tried to escape the room but he was quick enough to catch you and pin you against a nearby wall.

> He brought his face closer to your ear and whispered in a deep voice, "You better don't or there will be consequences"

• Cyclone •

> " Cyclone, can you please take out the trash", you peek your head out from the kitchen.

> "Sure", he gives you a startled yet skeptical look.

> He walks on over to where you are and picked you up bridal style. You were confused as he started to bring you outside the house.

Boboiboy Boyfriend Scenarios/Oneshots 1Where stories live. Discover now