☆ Attention - Cyclone ☆

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"Search for another gun.", I could hear him talk to his friends through his headset while playing a video game.

Seriously?! He has been looking st that screen for past 5 hrs straight.

While he was having fun, here I was. Laying down on our bed, bored. I could ask Cyclone to pay attention to me, but he might get mad.

A meow was heard from under the bed, I peeked at our cat.

"Hi, Cattus.", I reached down to scratch him at the back of his ear.

He jumped on the bed, laying down beside me.

A sigh escaped my lips. I looked over at the digital clock placed on the nightstand, it showed 11pm.

"Should I go to him?", I ask the cat, burying my face into it's fur.

"Screw it.", Hesitantly, I slowly walked down the hallway which led to the gaming room. The door was opened, ight was illuminating from inside.

From the look of it, only the television was turned on. None of the lights were operating.

I walked up to him, sitting on the couch as well. He glanced at me with a smile before adverting his attention to the video game.

I placed my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.



"Can we sleep now? I'm getting tired."

"Later, baby."

Another sigh escaped my lips.

His eyebrows were knotted in concentration as his fingers controlled the gamepad.

I tapped him on the shoulder. For a second, he looked at me but it didn't last long.

So you really wanna play like that huh?

I did have a plan to get his attention or in other way to make him feel the need of attention just like me right now so I just waited for the right moment.

A few minutes passed, and Cyclone finally finished his round.

Victory was displayed on the TV screen.

"Can I try?", I reach my hands out for the controller. He stared at me for a moment before chuckling lightly.

"You're so cute, (Y/n)", He gave me the controller and helped me identified the purpose of each joystick and each button.

"This is hard."

"You can do it, babygirl. I'll help you control it."

Cyclone stayed behind me, hugging me fromn behind while also holding the gamepad. He helped me control my character, but it was harder than I thought.

However, I ended up winning. I played three more rounds, until just like I  planned, Cyclone started to distract me.

We both are attention seekers after all.

He didn't move from his spot, which was behind me. But he started pulling me to his chest, so that my back was in contact with it.

"You smell like me."

"Cy, stop. I'm losing."

"Is this my hoodie?"

He buried his face at the side of my neck. I felt his breath fanning unto my skin, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

To no surprise, I lost on my 4th match.

I didn't even try to complain anymore. I just let everything happen and smiled in victory.

After all, this is what I wanted right?


Hope y'all enjoyed it!


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