☆ His favourite way to snuggle ☆

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When it’s cold & dark at night, and we’re alone together, I long to take you in my arms, and snuggle you forever.

☆• 🌙 •☆

• Boboiboy •

He likes to nuzzle his face in your chest and wrap his arms around your waist. He feels safe in your arms and is ready to stay like that like almost the whole week if possible.

• Quake •

Spooning, he loves the feeling of you fitted against him in the most innocent way, he loves how he can feel you breathing, how he can nuzzle right into your hair while listening to your soft snores.

• Thunderstorm •

You two rarely snuggle but when you do, it's for long periods of time in different positions too whether it you spooning or him. But his favourite is when you press up against his chest and when you suddenly grasp the shirt around his chest, he just faints.

• Cyclone •

HE likes being the one snuggling up to you, he'll wrap his leg across you while laying his head in the crook of your neck and ask you to sing a lullaby for him.

• Blaze •

He adores it when you lay on top of him and just relax, he'll play with your hair while you drift off. Sometimes might mess up with your hair but who's gonna complain about that when he gives you cuddles. He knows that you like him to keep you warm.

• Ice •

The best moment of his life. He can literally do this anytime and everytime. He likes when you snuggle uo to his chest where he can rest his head on top of yours and he feels your breath tickle his neck, he'll always wrap both of his arms around you, protecting you from anything and everything.

• Thorn •

Spooning, but he likes it when YOU'RE the big spoon. You find it adorable when he presses his face in your neck and he'll appear just like a CAT. He would even stretch out his arms just like a cat to pull you closer by your waist and cover you but eventually would end up suffocating you.

• Solar •

Facing you, he likes to have a little space between the two of you so he can:

1. Admire your face properly, especially when you're asleep and;
2. Even though being a bit clingy, he actually respects your personal space.

He would rather prefer you to be the big spoon sometimes, especially when he is stressed out. You also tend to grab things and somehow end up holding his hands.


Hope y'all enjoyed it!

And my exams will end in two weeks :")

Bye ~

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