☆ Nothing Hurts - Blaze || GANG AU! ☆

572 31 4

Age : 23


You weren't quite sure why you were still in this mess.

Two years ago when you started
dating Blaze, your friends warned you to stay away from this guy.

There was a lot of rumors around him, but you refused to take their advice because you choose to listen to your instincts and stay with him when things were going well or bad with you two.

And honestly, things could get really, really bad sometimes and you still stayed with him.

You couldn't even count how many times he was dying on your doorstep from the pain and injuries he got in fights. How many times he almost bleeded to death.

The sad look he wore when he would see your worrying for him and the smirk he would give to show that he was alright was the things that made you like him in the first place.

It was 4 A.M. when you heard light knocks on your front door and got up to see who was interrupting you in this hour.

As soon as the door was open Blaze took small steps inside of your apartment and crashed into your body for a hug, letting all his weight fall on you for support.

You knew it was him by the outlines of his body in the darkness, but you couldn't see him clearly, just a dark silhouette.

You reached out your hand to reach out to turn on the light, but his hand stopped you.

"Don't", he whispered with his voice coming out rough and raspy,  "I don't want you to see me"

He finished which only made you push him slightly off of you and flip the light switch faster, feeling alarmed by his remark.

He stood there with his head hanging low hiding from your scolding gaze. He knew how much you got mad at him doing all these things.

You knew he was in a gang and that he was probably in a fight that he probably won, since there he was standing in front of you, still alive.

You knew it since day one of you two dating or even meeting. He never told you and you never asked you just knew because of a incident that happened one night before you meeting him.

One night, when you fnished your shift at the coffee shop you work at, you cleaned everything up and locked up before making your way home, but only a few minutes later, a man that is unknown up till this day pulled you into a nearby alley.

A few seconds and much struggling after another, slightly taller and much stronger guy saved you from the attacker.

He was wearing a black hoodie with fiery designs at it's back and a cap that threw shades over his face.

You didn't know how he looked, or why he saved you, but his soft warm voice that was as smooth as honey is what gave him away the next day, when he walked into your cafe.

He sat by the counter and gave you a charming smile, making his order and immediately asking about your day.

When he talked or even asked questions, it was like as if he was a toddler instead of that man who saved your life last night.

That's when your love story started.

You were already half way done with treating the bruises and cuts on his torso when he winced underneath you when you dabbed the alcohol over a bigger cut.

"(Y/n)...you're crying... ", he said softly as you sniffed slightly.

A tear rolled down your cheek and fell on his chest and he made you look up at him, made you look up at his swollen lip, cut cheekbone and bruised jawline.

"Idiot", you sniffed biting your lip while glaring at him. Even though how much you wanted to stay mad at this man....you just couldn't.

He got up into a sitting position on the bed with you still on his lap as he leaned in and kissed you on the lips with a smile playing on his own.

"Your tears burn more than the alcohol", he joked and you slightly chuckled while wiping your tear stained cheeks.

He kissed your cheek and slowly moved down to your neck, leaving short pecks that made your skin heat up.

"Why are you crying? You should see the other guy", he said with a cocky smile plastered to his face.

Why were you crying?

Because you hated the life he choose, or the bad luck he had to end up like this?

Because you hated seeing him like this and whatever he does are mostly considered as crime?


You were crying because you loved the pitiful man that came to your doorstep whenever he was in need of love, affection and care that was never present in his life before.

"I love you", you whispered before wrapping your fingers in his dark hair and taking in a deep breath when you felt his breath linger on your skin.

His head dipped into the crook of your neck and took the sensitive skin between his teeth before sucking on it, creating a small hickey.

"I love you too baby", he said as he reached for your cheek and kissed it tenderly.

"....I don't know what I'd do without you", he said as he took a slight grip on your hair and pulled you back while his lips glided on the crook of your neck as he slowly made you lay on the bed while your body shivered from his touch.

He quickly got up settling between your legs as he leaned down on his elbows and kissed you passionately.

You ran your fingers over his cheek when he pulled away as he stared down at you with a loving gaze.

"We shouldn't do this...you might get hurt", you said.

He leaned into your touch like a kitten seeking attention as he spoke in a hushed tone.

"Nothing hurts when I'm with you baby girl", he said as he pecked your forehead before continuing where he stopped earlier.


I tried to turn it into a sad one but instead it turned into a fluff chapter sooo....yeah...enjoy!


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