☆ Running away after giving him a kiss ☆

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Don't be lazy, come to me baby
This is too short, this is still too basic.

☆• 🌙 •☆

• Boboiboy •

He'd try his best to keep you from running away but it didn't work. So he ran after you, yelling your name and exclaiming his love and  appreciation.

• Quake •

He would cherish any little bit of affection you gave him, so he'd immediately grab you before you could run and shower you with kisses of his own.

• Thunderstorm •

He would gently put down whatever he was doing, trying to do his best to stay cool and keep from smiling. But after a few minutes, he'd snap up and calmly go on a search to find where you ran off.

• Cyclone •

He would kinda be more embarrassed than you at first so you both ended up running away. But later he came back more confident and gave you a proper kiss.

• Blaze •

He would be stunned for a while and be a blushing mess before he got up to chase you down to cuddle you as a punishment for catching him off guard like that.

• Ice •

He wouldn't let you get away, and would pull you down to sit with him. He wouldn't say a word about it either, he just put his arm around your waist and was low-key happy.

• Thorn •

He wouldn't let you get away either. He'd only pull you into a big hug and only would pull away after a while showing his shinning smile and even asking for another kiss.

• Solar •

He'd yell out for you to come back as you ran away but wouldn't wanna get up to chase after you. He would be really happy and would definitely have a big smile on his face for the rest of the day though.


Hope y'all enjoyed it!

Bye ~

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