☆ Confession - Cyclone ☆

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You both were at your house currently. It was the day of weekend and you both had nothing else to do. And since your parents were out for a buisness trip so you both decided to hang out a bit.

It would have been in his house for to his unfortunate luck, today some guests will be arriving and he didn't want to be near them.
[This is me lmfao XD]

So here you both are now, just laying on the couch doing nothing. Actually you were leaning on the couch watching a movie and he was sitting on the floor playing online with Gopal.

Soon you didn't realized when he had stopped playing and was sitting beside you trying to see what you are watching. It was until you noticed it from the corner of your eye.

"Done so early?", you asked being a bit surprised.

He had never been this quick to end the game. Last time you remembered when he finished early was like at 11:43 p.m. where he started at 4:30 p.m.

Today he broke that record by playing just three hours, from 4:47 p.m. to 7:53 p.m.

"Yeah......Gopal's dad came in and caught him playing game and-"

"Oh ok, I get it", you replied giggling.

"Sooo....what are you watching?"

"Hmmm....(movie name)"

"Oh...can I watch?"


You shared your ear buds but unfortunately, the cord was way too small for that. He tried to sit closer by you but that wasn't helping either. You on the other hand were a bit flustered with this closeness but still managed to keep your composure.

"God! Don't you have any other earphones with a longer wire? Or we could simply listen to it without that thing"

"Ok first, I didn't knew that you would wanna watch the movie so suddenly so it ain't my fault. And second, if you try to listen to it without the earphones then let me tell you that the max volume in this phone is merely audible."

"Ok then....come here"

"Excuse me?"

He was patting the space between his legs. Now you couldn't help but turn red.

"Sitting side by side isn't working right? So come here"


Before you could finish, he had already pulled you between his legs and placed one of the earbuds on.

"See, I told you it will work."


You were blushing furiously now being this close to him.

"Okay, y-you ready?"


Just as you pressed the play button, his arms wrapped around your torso and made you lean back on his chest.

You gasped but didn't dared to look up cause you know how close both of your faces  were. You still side glanced and saw his eyes completely focused on the movie. You thought he did it so the length of the earphone won't be a bother, but the matter was something else.

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