☆ Clueless Confession - Cyclone ☆

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Request byhellounknownperson

Thank you so much to you guys for the ideas!!

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Thank you so much to you guys for the ideas!!

Anyways, back to the story!!


It was a sunny afternoon on Rintis Island, and (Y/n) found themselves strolling along the streets, their heart filled with mixed emotions. 

You see, (Y/n) had developed strong feelings for a certain someone, a boy named Cyclone. But there was a problem – Cyclone seemed completely clueless about (Y/n)'s affection, which made (Y/n) feel insecure and unsure about how to express their feelings.

(Y/n) had tried dropping subtle hints here and there, hoping that Cyclone would catch on but to no avail. It seemed like Cyclone's mind was preoccupied with other things, things like his crush on (Y/n) but she might not like him back. 

And (Y/n) couldn't help but feel invisible, as if their emotions were going unnoticed. The frustration grew with each passing day, and it started taking a toll on (Y/n)'s emotions. Who can blame her? People can't read other's thoughts after all.

One evening, (Y/n) found themselves at the local park, trying to clear their mind. As they sat on a bench, lost in their thoughts, they noticed Cyclone walking towards them, accompanied by Yaya, another member of the Boboiboy team. 

Cyclone's cheeks turned slightly pink, and (Y/n) mistook it as a sign that he had feelings for Yaya. Their heart sank, thinking that their love was unrequited.

Feeling hurt and dejected, (Y/n) decided to distance themselves from Cyclone. They ignored his presence, hoping to protect their own heart from further disappointment. Days turned into weeks, and (Y/n) kept their distance, avoiding any encounters with Cyclone.

But fate had other plans in store. One day, when (Y/n) returned home from school, they were surprised to find Cyclone waiting outside their house. Startled, (Y/n) opened the door, their expression a mix of curiosity and confusion.

"Hey, (Y/n)," Cyclone greeted, a nervous smile playing on his lips.
"Can we talk?"

(Y/n) hesitated for a moment, but eventually nodded, allowing Cyclone inside. They both sat in the living room, the silence filled with unspoken words and emotions hanging heavy in the air.

"So, um, I noticed that you've been avoiding me lately," Cyclone began cautiously, his eyes fixed on his fidgeting hands.
"And I... I think I know why."

(Y/n) looked up, their heart pounding in their chest. 

"You do?"

Cyclone nodded, his face flushed with embarrassment. 

"Yeah, I realized that I've been pretty clueless about something important. You see, (Y/n), I... I like you. More than just a friend."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in surprise, their heart fluttering with hope. 

"Y-You do?"

Cyclone nodded again, his nervousness melting away as he met (Y/n)'s gaze. 

"I've been oblivious to your hints, and I'm sorry for that. But when I saw you with Yaya that day, I was blushing because she was teasing me about... like you."

The realization hit (Y/n) like a tidal wave, washing away their doubts and insecurities. A smile tugged at their lips as they looked into Cyclone's eyes, their voice filled with affection. "Cyclone, I like you too. More than you can imagine."

Relief flooded Cyclone's face, and he moved closer to (Y/n), their hands intertwining gently. 

"I'm glad we cleared up the misunderstanding. And I'm sorry for making you feel ignored. I promise to be more attentive from now on because I care about you."

(Y/n) smiled, their heart filled with warmth and happiness. 

"I appreciate that, Cyclone. And I care about you too, more than words can express."

As they sat there, holding hands and sharing smiles, the weight of their unspoken emotions was finally lifted. From that day forward, Cyclone and (Y/n) embarked on a beautiful journey of love and understanding, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. 

Weeks turned into months, and the relationship between (Y/n) and Cyclone flourished. They spent countless hours together, exploring Rintis Island, sharing laughter, and building memories that would last a lifetime. Every moment was filled with happiness and a deep sense of belonging.

Yaya and the others were overjoyed to see (Y/n) and Cyclone together. They had noticed the connection between the two long before the couple admitted their feelings. Yaya, in particular, couldn't contain her excitement.

"Finally, you two realized how perfect you are for each other!" Yaya exclaimed, hugging both (Y/n) and Cyclone tightly.
"I've been shipping you guys forever!"

Her words were met with laughter and a playful eye-roll from Cyclone. But deep down, he knew that Yaya's teasing played a significant role in bringing him and (Y/n) together. He was grateful for her persistence and for being a true friend.

And in their hearts, they knew that they had found something truly special amidst the chaos of their lives.


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